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And so I found him there, standing all alone in the quietest of the yards, his face towards a high wall, while all around, from the narrow slits of the jail windows, I thought I saw peering out upon him the eyes of murderers and thieves. "Bartleby!" "I know you," he said, without looking round "and I want nothing to say to you."

But the lad's remained sullen, as he wiped the blood from Down's scratches. "Mayhap," he said. "But I go not near that cat again!" So, as no one else was small enough to slip through the narrow slits of windows, the conspirators could only curse their bad luck.

Whether or not we were a fish in the Devonian seas, there is little doubt that we had gills, because we have the gill slits yet in our early foetal life, and it is quite certain that in some way we owe our backbones to the fishes.

Miss Dobriner stooped forward, her eyes narrow as slits. "Seventy-five, spot down." Indecision vanished as rags before Abracadabra. "We make it a rule not to sell our samples, but " "That carriage has got to be delivered at my house to-night before ten." "Sir, that can't go out to-night. It's got to be packed special and sent over on a flat-top dray.

Lowering his big voice suddenly he spoke of the bronzes of the Naples Museum, half shutting his eyes till they were two narrow slits, and looking intently at Arabian. "You have the throat of one of those bronzes," he said bluntly, "and should never wear that cursed abomination, a starched linen collar."

Freddie took several little narrow strips of paper, and pasting the ends together, made a lot of rings. Each ring before being pasted, was slipped into another, and soon he had a paper chain. To make the lantern he used a piece of paper made into a roll, with slits all around the middle of it where the light would have come out had there been a candle in it.

Korak's eyes went wide and then they closed to narrow slits of rage as he stood glaring down upon the abysmal brute at his feet. When next his glance rose to Meriem's face a slow flush suffused his own. Now, indeed, was he looking upon her through new eyes the eyes of a man looking upon a maid. Akut had come up just as Meriem had speared Korak's antagonist. The exultation of the old ape was keen.

Again there came over him the feeling of strangeness, of homesickness, mingled this time with dismay. Larsen's eyes were slits of blue glass. His mouth was set in a thin line. Had Comet seen a different expression, had he received a single word of encouragement, there would have been no calamity that day.

The intention was to sacrifice them both, in order to obtain success for an intended expedition; but before this could be done, a different woongye, or prime minister, came in, and their condition was somewhat improved, for they only wore one bamboo, through two slits in which their feet were forced, and they were allowed to crawl into the enclosure.

Their full, upper lip is cleft, their neck is long, their eyes prominent and shaded with eye-lashes, their nostrils are like slits, which they can close at pleasure; their body has one or two humps on it, their legs have callous pads upon them, their feet are large and spreading, and their hair hangs loosely upon them in patches.