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Father was the end that was tied tight and firm so you knew you couldn't lose it, and Mother was the end that streamed out like flags in the wind. But they weren't either of them like that slinky, swirly water, licking at you, in such a hurry to get on past you and get what it was scrambling to get, whatever that was. Well, of all things! There was old Mr. Welles, coming towards her.

An' 'fo' anybody talk 'bout th'owin' out lettum heah me whilst I sez my say!" Towering until she seemed to increase in stature by inches, she aimed a long and bony finger dead ahead. "Ax dat slinky yaller man up yonder on dat flatfo'm ef he gwine give de order to th'ow me out!" she clarioned in a voice which rose to a compelling shriek.

A table stood in the center of the uncarpeted room, with a lawyer on either side Purdy, the goaty-haired, messy, elderly man, half-blind, sharp-voiced, rasping out his case; opposite him, Thacher, a slinky, mean-looking young man, who was reputed to have left New Zealand under a cloud. He looked what he was, a cheap lawyer's clerk, of the pinched, hungry variety one sees in gloomy anterooms.

"Start out with a feature skirt. Might illustrate with one of those freak drawings they're crazy about now slinky figure, you know, hollow-chested, one foot trailing, and all that. They're crazy, but they do attract attention, no doubt of that." Bartholomew Berg turned his head slowly. "What's your opinion, Mrs. McChesney?" he asked. "I I'm afraid I haven't any," said Emma McChesney listlessly.

"Perhaps we can do a bit o' surprisin'," he explained. "Here comes Noxton!" exclaimed Tom. "Slinky Bill, sure enough," returned Yates, and one of his companions nodded. Noxton was still fifty feet away when he saw them, and gave a shout of consternation. Then he turned and tried to run away. "Stop!" called Hank Yates. "Stop, or I'll fire on ye!" But instead of stopping Noxton ran the faster.

The year that Hattie confided to some one that she was wearing only scant bloomers beneath her slinky silk the floor was mobbed, and they had to call in reserves from the basement ladies-and-misses-ready-to-wear. Miss Stitch came to New York in March. On the evening of her arrival she dined with Fat Ed Meyers, of the Strauss Sans-silk Skirt Company.

A prayer formed on her lips and went voicelessly up to God. Suddenly she roused herself from the stupefaction that held her, and threw off the slinky peignoir. With feverish haste she snatched up garments from the chair on which she had carefully placed them in anticipation of the emergency that now presented itself.

Julia had somehow lost her babyish beauty now; she was thin and lanky, four teeth were missing, and even her glorious mop of hair seemed what her mother called "slinky." "I landed the Fox order right over Colton's head!" said George. Emeline said: "I wish to the Lord you'd quit opening that window, leaving the wind blow through here like a cave!" "Well, the place smelled like a Jap's room!"

The spell was upon him; he was in thralldom. She wore a rose-coloured gown, soft, slinky, seductive. A light Egyptian scarf lay across her bare shoulders. The slim, white neck and the soft dark hair but she sighed! He heard that faint, quick- drawn sigh and started to his feet. "Bedelia!" he whispered softly. She turned quickly, to find him standing beside her, his face aglow with rapture.

"You look a little bit like a troll, but you have a horse's body growing out of your waist." "I am a sort of horse-troll," he replied. "But that is not important right now. What is important is that this may be your lucky day!" "My lucky what?" asked the Witch, not quite understanding. "Is this the home of Bastinda Slinky Myrna Evillene Allidap?" asked the stranger.