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One of his arrums he couldn't lift from the shoulder, and I give him a h'ist wit' his bundle. Faith, it was light! 'Twinty years a-getherin', he cackles, slappin' it. 'Ye've had harrud luck, I says. ''T is not much of a sheaf ye are packin' home. 'That's as ye look at it, he says.

"'Hould your tongue, you misherable bliggard, says the squire; 'it's not iv my sowl I'm thinkin' an' I wondher you'd have the impitence to talk to a gintleman consarnin' his sowl; and when I want that fixed, says he, slappin' his thigh, 'I'll go to them that knows what belongs to the likes, says he.

"'Land of love! says I. 'Go to Setuckit in a automobile? "'Why not? he says. 'The biscuit shooter up at the hotel tells me there's a smart chance of folks goes there a-horseback. And where a hoss can travel I reckon the old gal here' slappin' the thwart of the auto alongside of him 'can go, too! "'But there's the Cut-through, says I.

"Where does the sperm whale come in?" asked Colin. "It's got teeth, like the gray whale," was the reply, "but you never find it in cold water. Sperm whalin' is comin' into favor again. But those two over there the ones we're after, are finbacks. You can tell by the spout, by the fin, by not seein' the flukes of the tail, an' by the way they play around, slappin' each other in fun."

Row on row iv journalists, sharpin' pencils an' slappin' each other's faces, r-rose to th' ceilin'. Here an' there cud be seen a brillyant uniform, denotin' th' prisince iv th' London Times corryspondint. Th' lawn behind th' coort was thronged with ex-mimbers iv th' Fr-rinch governmint.

"No use goin' on; de dam willains will keep a scrougin' and slappin' each oder, Massa Stubb; dey don't hear one word; no use a-preaching to such dam g'uttons as you call 'em, till dare bellies is full, and dare bellies is bottomless; and when dey do get 'em full, dey wont hear you den; for den dey sink in de sea, go fast to sleep on de coral, and can't hear noting at all, no more, for eber and eber."

"By George!" says Mr. Robert, slappin' his knee. "The very thing. Sunday, eh?" It was easy enough stagin' the affair. All he had to do was to ask the Beans out for the week-end, and then after Sunday dinner load 'em into the tourin' car, collect me, and drive off about 20 miles or so to the south shore of Long Island. Maybe, though, you don't remember about Private Ben Riggs?

If you throw it away you'll be slappin' Providence right in the face. The Lord would never have put this op'tunity in your reach if He hadn't meant you to have it." "What you talking about, momma?" said Kedzie. "My father always used to say: 'Old Man Op'tunity is bald-headed except for one long scalplock in the middle his forehead.

"But for that matter, as the parson says, there's a time to stay at anchor, and a time to make sail, and go along as if the devil was a driver only I do wish that that ere beggar astern was right ahead now, and that we was a chasin' her, and every now and then a slappin' at her with our bow-chasers."

"Maybe he would if he had a show," says I. "If you could plot out a get-together session for 'em somehow " "Exactly!" says Mr. Robert, slappin' his knee. "Thank you, Torchy. It shall be done. Get Mrs. Ellins on the long distance, will you?" He's a quick performer, Mr. Robert, when he's got his program mapped out. He don't hesitate to step on the pedal.