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Once, when there was a pause in the dancing, Lady Skettles told Paul that he seemed very fond of music. Paul replied, that he was; and if she was too, she ought to hear his sister, Florence, sing.

Well might Mr Feeder say to Mr Toots, that he was afraid he should be the worse for it to-morrow! Mrs Blimber was a little alarmed by this comparatively speaking profligate behaviour; and especially by the alteration in the character of the music, which, beginning to comprehend low melodies that were popular in the streets, might not unnaturally be supposed to give offence to Lady Skettles.

Mr Skettles had repaired abroad, permanently to grace the establishment of his father Sir Barnet Skettles, whose popular manners had obtained him a diplomatic appointment, the honours of which were discharged by himself and Lady Skettles, to the satisfaction even of their own countrymen and countrywomen: which was considered almost miraculous.

Doctor Blimber answered no, he believed not; and that in fact he was a Professor of 'Of something connected with statistics, I'll swear? observed Sir Barnet Skettles. 'Why no, Sir Barnet, replied Doctor Blimber, rubbing his chin. 'No, not exactly. 'Why yes, said Doctor Blimber, yes, but not of that sort.

Lady Skettles took a panoramic survey of it through her glass, and said to Sir Barnet Skettles, with a nod of approval, 'Very good. Sir Barnet assented, but Master Skettles looked suspicious and doubtful. 'And this little creature, now, said Lady Skettles, turning to Paul. 'Is he one of the 'Young gentlemen, Ma'am; yes, Ma'am, said Paul's friend.

But Lady Skettles entering at the moment, Mr Toots was suddenly seized with a passion for asking her how she did, and hoping she was very well; nor could Mr Toots by any possibility leave off shaking hands with her, until Sir Barnet appeared: to whom he immediately clung with the tenacity of desperation.

For nothing delighted Lady Skettles so much, as beholding her eldest son with Florence on his arm.

He was very much obliged to them for all their kindness and attention, and reclining propped up in his corner, with Mrs Blimber and Lady Skettles on the same sofa, and Florence coming and sitting by his side as soon as every dance was ended, he looked on very happily indeed.

Or, like a sound in air, the vibration of which, according to the speculation of an ingenious modern philosopher, may go on travelling for ever through the interminable fields of space, nothing but coming to the end of his moral tether could stop Sir Barnet Skettles in his voyage of discovery through the social system. Sir Barnet was proud of making people acquainted with people.