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I have here had the pleasure of greeting nearly all the Spaniards who reside in this province, three Reverend Augustinian Fathers from the province of Batangas, and two Reverend Dominican Fathers. One of the latter is the Very Reverend Fray Hernando Sibyla, who has come to honor this town with his presence, a distinction which its worthy inhabitants should never forget.

"I'm sorry that I inadvertently brought up so delicate a subject," said Padre Sibyla sadly. "But, after all, if there has been a gain in the change of towns " "How is there to be a gain? And what of all the things that are lost in moving, the letters, and the and everything that is mislaid?" interrupted Fray Damaso, stammering in the vain effort to control his anger.

"But I, by accidens and for my own part, understand his motives, Padre Sibyla," broke in the old soldier, who saw himself about to be entangled in so many distinctions that he feared lest he might still be held to blame. "I understand the motives about which your Reverence is going to make distinctions.

Father Dámaso shut the door behind them. While they are conferring in secret, let us find out what has become of Brother Sibyla. The wise Dominican was not to be found at his parochial residence, for early, immediately after mass, he had gone to the Dominican convent, situated near the gate called Isabel the Second or Magallanes, according to which family is in power in Madrid.

If not, so much the better for him to declare himself an enemy of ours." Fray Sibyla looked at the old man in surprise. "For the good of our holy Order, I mean, of course," he added, breathing heavily. "I prefer open attacks to the silly praises and flatteries of friends, which are really paid for." "Does your Reverence think " The old man regarded him sadly.

What are you friars good for if the people can rebel?" Taking no notice of the replies and protests, Simoun descended the small companionway that led below, repeating disdainfully, "Bosh, bosh!" Padre Sibyla turned pale; this was the first time that he, Vice-Rector of the University, had ever been credited with nonsense.

A Franciscan, one of my Order, Fray What-do-you-call-him Savalls, invented it in the ah the seventh century!" "A Franciscan? Well, he must have been a missionary in China, that Padre Savalls," replied the lady, who did not thus easily part from her beliefs. "Schwartz, perhaps you mean, señora," said Fray Sibyla, without looking at her. "I don't know.

"What will you bet?" "What should we bet?" returned Padre Sibyla. "The General can bet what he likes, but we priests, clerics " "Bah!" interrupted Simoun ironically. "You and Padre Irene can pay with deeds of charity, prayers, and virtues, eh?"

Father Sibyla was about to take the seat without any further regard to the protests of his brother, when his eyes chanced to meet those of the lieutenant. According to the religious customs in the Philippines, the highest military officer is inferior to even a convent cook. "Cedent arma togæ," said Cicero in the Senate. "Cedent arma cottæ," say the friars in the Philippines.

Paying no attention to the delicious odor of chocolate or to the rattling of money boxes and coins in the treasurer's office, and scarcely answering the deferential salute of the treasurer, Father Sibyla went upstairs, crossed several corridors and rapped on a door. "Come in!" answered a voice. "May God give back health to Your Reverence!" was the greeting of the young Dominican as he entered.