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That day, between ten and eleven o’clock in the morning, I was walking backwards and forwards on the deck, on the windward side. We were sliding smoothly over the surface of an undulating sea. The Halbrane resembled an enormous bird, one of the gigantic albatross kind described by Arthur Pym which had spread its sail-like wings, and was carrying a whole ship’s crew towards space.

The scattered remains formed dangerous reefs which might seriously injure the keel or the sides of the Halbrane, and there was no intention of risking the ship’s safety among them. We accordingly cast anchor at a safe distance, and a boat was lowered for the reception of Captain Len Guy, the boatswain, Dirk Peters, Holt, two men and myself.

This cruise we assisted, as the French say, in taking one of their privateers, the prize-money of which gave soap to the ship’s company for the next cruise; what other good we did I say not. At the expiration of another three months, His Majesty’s sloop’s anchors once more bit the mud in the Downs.

The son of Neocles threw back his helmet, that all might see his calm, untroubled face. He wore a cuirass of silvered scale-armour over his purple chiton. At his side walked a young man, whom the ship’s people imagined the deserter of the preceding night, but he had drawn his helmet close. “This is Critias,” said Themistocles, briefly, to the navarch; “he is a good caster.

Though it could hardly be said that the smartness of the crews equalled that which would be shown by British men-of-war’s men, the work was very fairly done, and the admiral felt convinced that his ships would be worked and manœuvred far more rapidly than those of the Spaniards. Stephen had from the first messed with the ship’s officers.

I was all as taut as a ship’s hawser or the spring of a watch, and as soon as he came within reach of me I had him by the ankle, plucked the feet right out from under him, laid him out, and was upon the top of him, broken leg and all, before he breathed. His Winchester had gone the same road as my shot-gun; it was nothing to me—I defied him now.

It may be that she has not been discovered yet by the natives. If you see any of them about, content yourself with getting the ship’s name and port from her stern.” The boat was lowered. “You may go too, Steve,” he added as Stephen was looking down into the boat. “It is Mr.

They are lost! both lost!” exclaimed the captain. “The boat, West, the boat!” “If you give the order to lower it,” answered West, “I will be the first to get into it, although at the risk of my life. But I must have the order.” In unspeakable suspense the ship’s crew and myself had witnessed this scene.

The spirit of this sentiment was responded to by all hands, and we resolved that in spite of the captain’s croakings we would make a glorious day of it. But Toby and I had our own game to play, and we availed ourselves of the confusion which always reigns among a ship’s company preparatory to going ashore, to confer together and complete our arrangements.

The vessel I now commanded was a brig sloop of fourteen 24-pounders, the ship’s company by no means a bad set, and in the course of the cruise I had the satisfaction of seeing them alert, clean and obedient. This was in a great measure owing to the officers, who, when supported, were firm, discriminating and encouraging.