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She and the serjeant peeped together under beds and into closets, and she laughed brazenly at certain not very obscure hints of his as to the great services I should render to the search-party if I kept my eye on the house-place. She even said, "Master Noll, don't 'e think as 'ow th' ale be gettin' flat downstairs? It wunna be wuth drinkin' if y'ain't sharp."

On the other hand you must remember that a paddle-driven canoe travels much faster than a merely drifting one; and that we ourselves, assuming that we are on the right way, all day have been shortening the distance that a search-party would have to travel. We ought to have met some time ago. I think we shall have to turn back in the morning." "Must we?" asked the girl.

The sergeant's bound to discover our escape at breakfast-time, and a search-party will be sent ashore immediately." "It will be light in an hour or two," observed Alzura cheerfully "at least light enough for us to find the track again. Let us sit down; it won't be so tiring, and we can't make ourselves any wetter or dirtier.

Father Gerard, in his Autobiography, has handed down to us many curious details of the mode of procedure upon these occasions how the search-party would bring with them skilled carpenters and masons and try every possible expedient, from systematic measurements and soundings to bodily tearing down the panelling and pulling up the floors.

It took the storekeeper several minutes to grasp the significance of the affair, and Jasper had to do considerable explaining. "So you tell me that Crazy David is lost?" he at length queried. "Certainly. Isn't that what I have been trying to tell you? We must get a search-party out after him at once. I fear that evil has befallen the old man.

A search-party was sent out in the morning, and found at one of the loops a slight fracture in the line; close to it the ground had been ploughed up, and there, far below, lay a shattered mass of iron and steel in the narrow valley, with the torrent plunging over it.

While they were busy with toast and coffee voices were heard in the woods loud cries in call and answer. "There!" said Medora, setting down her cup; "I knew it!" Presently two men came climbing up to the house, while the voices of others were still audible in the humpy thickets below. The men were part of a search-party, of course, a posse; and they wanted to know whether....

The search-party couldn' understand at all what had happened in so short a time, too to make us so cordial; an' somehow we didn' explain neither we nor the blind men. I reckon the whole business had been so loonatic we felt it kind of holy. But the pore fellas kept wavin' back to us as they went out o' sight around the curve, an' maybe for a mile beyond. I never heard," Mr.

"He likes to have his bread ready buttered for him; cornfields and flour-mills are not in his line at all. Ah, here comes the search-party," and Malcolm looked a little curiously at the book in Elizabeth's hand. "Oh, we have had such a hunt for it." Elizabeth looked quite hot and tired. "Cedric found it at last wedged between two boulders.

"All right, Catharine," he said, "but I warn you. You'll have a search-party out after you some dark morning, and you know it won't be pleasant to be lost in the snows up that canyon." "But I go home, night-time," she persisted, and that ended the controversy. But the catastrophe he predicted was inevitable.