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That, he recognized by its deep grumbling noise, was cannon; the rattling sound, like an empty hay wagon, was caissons, while the muffled, thudding echo was cavalry at the trot. The force, apparently a heavy one, did not seem to be coming from Schallberg. He leaned far out of the window challenging the darkness with his peering eyes.

Led by the Duchess of Schallberg, they traversed a stone-flagged, arched passageway, which brought them to the main hall of the castle. A modern dwelling of average size could have been erected there without entirely exhausting the spaciousness of the hall. Tattered banners, gray with antiquity, hung like memories on the walls.

Preceded by Her Grace, and followed closely by Josef, Carter and Carrick entered the Council Chamber of Schallberg. At one end of its many-pillared room, a dais held a double throne, whose high, broad back was carved with many heraldic devices of past intelligence. Its intricate traceries were capped by a lion rampant, which had pawed the air for generations.

"Let's not speak of arms, good friends, for your for all our sakes. There's my train! Adieu; bon voyage." Without waiting to see the impression of his words, he left them. They were all conscious of an unrest caused by the Russian's advent. He had mentioned his return to Schallberg; could he know of what was going forward? Trusia summoned the Hereditary Servitor.

"Why aren't you in Schallberg?" he demanded; "you had despatches, as well as a cable to send for Major Carter." "I have that cable still, Excellency," he grunted. "What, you didn't transmit it?" "No," the man answered boldly. Seeing the volcanic wrath awakening behind the Minister's sleepy eyes, he hastened to explain.

He bent above Trusia's extended hand as serenely as though they were both figuring in a court function and not a congress of death. "Living nearer Schallberg," he explained, "I saw how matters stood, and immediately packed off the women folk to the boundaries. I then came here to offer my services, my sword, if necessary." "Courageous heart," applauded Trusia, touched by the old fellow's loyalty.

Lightly she placed her gauntleted hand upon his elbow, but soft as that touch was, no other woman had so thrilled him. "To whom am I indebted, monsieur?" she asked with native curiosity. "Calvert Carter, of New York, mademoiselle, is indebted to you for overlooking the accident he has caused." "Mr. Carter," she added in delicious English, "the Duchess of Schallberg is grateful for your kindness.

"Stimulated by a large reward, offered by their commandant at Schallberg, the country was overrun by Russians searching for the Lady Trusia. I constantly met them. Being very ignorant fellows, they took me for what I seemed to be.

"I went to his room," he said, pointing fiercely at Carter, "he gave me a sealed envelope. After I had taken it he handed me a large sum of money a fortune to a peasant. He told me to let no one see it but the telegraph operator at Schallberg." "That is true," said Carter. "It was a business transaction, a communication relating to my personal affairs."

I do not believe you have had a mouthful to eat to-day. Now, have you?" The Cockney smiled. "I forgot, sir," he answered almost shyly, elated with the words of approval he had won. The next day in solemn conclave the Counselors decided that the time had come to bring the King to Krovitch. "All is ready," said the grizzled Sutphen, "to inaugurate his reign with the fall of Schallberg."