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With innate delicacy, he refrained from any inquiry as to the nature of Blake's disappointment. As he handed out his box of cigars, he went on, "I don't quite like it, though. He's a glutton for field work, but this indoors figuring soon sets him on edge. He can't stand being cooped up." "Count on me to do all I can to get him out." "Yes, I'm figuring on you, Mr. Scarbridge.

However that may be, we at least shall do our best to pull him through." "That's talking, Mr. Scarbridge!" exclaimed Griffith. Promptly at four that afternoon Blake was shown to the rooms of his friend at the hotel. He entered with a glum look not altogether assumed. "Well, here I am," he grumbled. "Hope you're satisfied. You're robbing me of the best part of the day."

You're not the sort to take in the town with a made-in-France thing like that young Ashton." "Ashton?" queried Griffith. "You don't mean Laffie Ashton?" "He was down at the depot to give our party the glad hand." "Your party?" repeated Griffith. He saw Blake wink at Lord James, and thought he understood. "I see. He knows Mr. Scarbridge, eh?

The original's enough and to spare," cut in his lordship. He turned to Griffith with unaffected cordiality. "Glad to meet one of Tom's other friends, Mr. Griffith." "The only other," added Blake. "Then I'm still gladder!" said Lord James, gripping the bony hand of Griffith. "Don't let Tom chaff you. My name's just Scarbridge James Scarbridge." "Owh, me lud!

"I'm here with both feet, and I want a job P-D-Q. First, though, I want you to shake hands with my friend, Jimmy Scarbridge Hold on! Wait a second." He drew himself up pompously, and bowed to Lord James in burlesque mimicry of Mrs. Gantry. "Aw, beg pawdon, m'lud. Er the aw Right Hon'able the aw Earl of Avondale: I present aw Mistah Griffith." "Chuck it!

As Lord James took his leave of Genevieve with apparent nonchalance, Blake noted an exultant sparkle in the black eyes of Dolores. Yet the look was flatly contradicted by her words as she flounced about toward the door: "You needn't say good-bye, Mr. Scarbridge. You may as well stay right here, since she's not going." "You see how she rags me," complained Lord James, hastening out after her.