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They might, in course, have been going hunting, but we didn't think as it were so; sartainly they had no women with them, and they had been travelling fast. We guessed the trail was three days old, and we thought we had best push on straight to the fort to let them know about it. "When we got thar we found we were too late.

"I thought, your honour, as how Jack Fuller, who sartainly is a better hand at a snooze than a watch, had got into a bit of a mess; but, shiver my topsails, if I think it's quite fair to blame him, neither, for clapping a stopper on the Indian's cable, seeing as how he was expecting a shot between wind and water.

"I hear no good character of 'em, sartainly, friend Hurry, though I've never been called on, yet, to meet them, or any other mortal, on the warpath.

Can't you be a little more explicit?" Fred asked. "Sartainly. This 'ere island is rich more gold is exported than from California immense droves of sheep is scattered all over it, and all kinds of garden stuff will grow in abundance, if only planted. You understand me now, don't you?" "I am still in the dark," replied Fred, trying hard to refrain from a smile at the mention of "garden stuff."

"Is it gold?" asked Joe, with some anxiety. "Sartainly it is," answered Sneak, handing it to him to be examined; "and what good could come of burying it agin? I'll leave it to Mr. Boone to say if I ain't right in taking it myself." "Oh, any thing worth this much ought to be taken," said Joe, depositing the lump of gold in his pocket.

"Why sartainly I do. Ain't it better nor whippin' to death? "What's a Stole arter all? It's nothin' but a coat. Philosophizin' on it, Stranger, there is nothin' to shock a man. The dead don't feel. Skinnin', then, ain't cruel, nor is it immoral. To bury a good hide, is, waste waste is wicked.

He'll have to leave here sooner or later." "What for?" "Why, he don't believe in no divil an' ye can't make folks good unless they knows there's a divil." Quincy recalled the story of the Scotch woman, a stern Presbyterian, who thought if ten thousand were saved at the final judgment that it would be "muckle many," and who, when asked if she expected to be one of the elect, replied "Sartainly."

"Here's your fifteen bob; are you going to give me that watch and chain?" "Sartainly not," I ses. "I don't know wot you mean by a watch and chain. If I 'ad it and I gave it to anybody, I should give it to Sam's widder, not to you." "It's nothing to do with 'er," ses Joe, very quick. "Sam was most pertikler about that." "I expect you dreamt it all," I ses.

"'Oh! sais he, and he walked up and down agin, cypherin' like to himself; and then says he, 'I'll tell you; that word Socdolager, and the trade of preachin', and clockmakin', it would be as well to sink here; neither on 'em convene with dignity. Don't you think so? "'Sartainly, sais I; 'it's only fit for talk over a cigar, alone. It don't always answer a good, purpose to blart every thing out.

My scalp, and Jasper's, and Master Cap's there, and the Sarpent's too, would sartainly have been smoked; but as for the Sergeant's daughter, I do not think they would have hurt a hair of her head." "And why should I suppose that enemies, known to spare neither women nor children, would have shown more mercy to me than to another? I feel, Pathfinder, that I owe you my life."