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And Bhima then said, 'Slaying this wretch who intended to violate our wife, this thorn in the side of Sairindhri, I am freed from the debt I owed to my brothers, and have attained perfect peace. And having said this, that foremost of men, with eyes red in wrath, relinquished his hold of Kichaka, whose dress and ornaments had been thrown off his person, whose eyes were rolling, and whose body was yet trembling.

If he consents to be thy charioteer, thou wilt, without doubt, return, having vanquished the Kurus and rescued thy kine. "Thus addressed by the Sairindhri, Uttara spake unto his sister, 'Go thyself, O thou of faultless beauty, and bring Vrihannala hither. And despatched by her brother, she hastily repaired to the dancing-hall where that strong-armed son of Pandu was staying in disguise."

Thou art, besides, an object of desire with men. The Gandharvas again, are exceedingly wrathful. Thereat Sairindhri said, 'O beauteous lady, let the king suffer me to live here for only thirteen days more. Without doubt, the Gandharvas also will be highly obliged at this. They will then convey me hence and do what would be agreeable to Virata.

And Bhima then said, 'Slaying this wretch who intended to violate our wife, this thorn in the side of Sairindhri, I am freed from the debt I owed to my brothers, and have attained perfect peace. And having said this, that foremost of men, with eyes red in wrath, relinquished his hold of Kichaka, whose dress and ornaments had been thrown off his person, whose eyes were rolling, and whose body was yet trembling.

It was by him that the reins were held of Arjuna's excellent steeds when Agni consumed the forest of Khandava. It was with him as charioteer that Partha conquered all creatures at Khandava-prastha. In fact, there is no charioteer equal unto him. "Uttara said, 'Thou knowest, O Sairindhri, this youth.

"Vrihadaswa continued, 'O king, having spoken so unto the daughter of Bhima, the queen-mother, O Bharata, said to her daughter named Sunanda, "O Sunanda, accept this lady like a goddess as thy Sairindhri! Let her be thy companion, as she is of the same age with thee. Do thou, with heart free from care, always sport with her in joy."

I wish to learn all this from thee exactly as it occurred. Sairindhri replied, 'O blessed Vrihannala, always passing thy days happily in the apartments of the girls, what concern hast thou with Sairindhri's fate to say? Thou hast no grief to bear that Sairindhri hath to bear!

Let all the Kichakas be burnt, in one blazing pyre with gems and fragrant unguents in profusion. And filled with fear, the king then addressed his queen Sudeshna, saying, 'When Sairindhri comes back, do thou tell her these words from me, "Blessed be thou, O fair-faced Sairindhri. Go thou whithersoever thou likest.

The Sairindhri hath spoken of thee to me. She knoweth the Pandavas. Do thou, therefore, O Vrihannala, hold, as thou didst, the reins of my steeds, desirous as I am of righting with the Kurus and rescuing my bovine wealth.

Thy Gandharva husbands, effulgent as the sun, do not, I imagine, consider this as an occasion for manifesting their wrath, inasmuch as they do not rush to thy aid. O Sairindhri, thou art ignorant of the timeliness of things, and it is for this that thou weepest as an actress, besides interrupting the play of dice in Matsya's court.