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The mother-bird then remarked, 'Truly, father! you were about to do a strange thing, and a terrible sin has been averted from you. Then the Simurgh flew off to a distance with the great stone and dropped it. It sank down to the very middle of the earth.

To-morrow thou wilt be opposed by the Símúrgh, whose nest is situated upon a lofty mountain. She has two young ones, each the size of an elephant, which she conveys in her beak and claws from place to place." "Be under no alarm," said Isfendiyár, "God will make the labor easy." Fifth Stage.

Here Zál interposed and said: "If Rustem retires from the contest, his family will all be enslaved, and I shall equally share their bondage and affliction." The Símúrgh, hearing these words, fell into deep thought, and remained some time silent. At length she told Rustem to mount Rakush and follow her.

Zál immediately replied in a strain of gratitude and admiration; and then the Símúrgh conveyed him to Sám, and said to him: "Receive thy son he is of wonderful promise, and will be worthy of the throne and the diadem." The soul of Sám rejoiced to hear Applause so sweet to a parent's ear; And blessed them both in thought and word, The lovely boy, and the Wondrous Bird.

It must be so written and determined in the dispensations of Heaven." The arrival of the bier in Persia, at the palace of Gushtásp, produced a melancholy scene of public and domestic affliction. The king took off the covering and wept bitterly, and the mother and sisters exclaimed, "Alas! thy death is not the work of human hands; it is not the work of Rustem, nor of Zál, but of the Símúrgh.

Straightway it appeared, and by the majesty of its presence made the city quake. It took the prince on its back and soared away to the zenith. After a time King Sinaubar said: 'That young man is a long time on the roof; go and bring him here. But there was no sign of the prince upon the roof; only, far away in the sky, the Sīmurgh was seen carrying him off.

What you have to do first is to get to the home of the Sīmurgh , and to make friends with him. If he favours you, he will take you to Wāq of Qāf; if not, you will never get there, for seven seas are on the way, and they are such seas that if all the kings of the earth, and all their vazīrs, and all their wise men considered for a thousand years, they would not be able to cross them.

What you have to do first is to get to the home of the Simurgh, and to make friends with him. If he favours you, he will take you to Waq of Qaf; if not, you will never get there, for seven seas are on the way, and they are such seas that if all the kings of the earth, and all their wazirs, and all their wise men considered for a thousand years, they would not be able to cross them.

"The arrow will only make him blind," said the Símúrgh, "but he who spills the blood of Isfendiyár will never be free from calamity during his whole life. The Kazú-tree has also this peculiar quality: an arrow made of it is sure to accomplish its intended errand it never misses the aim of the archer."

When you go on from the Place of Gifts, be sure you do not take the right-hand road; take the left, for the other leads by the negro castle, which is known as the Place of Clashing Swords, and where there are forty negro captains each over three thousand or four thousand more. Their chief is Taram-tāq. Further on than this is the home of the Sīmurgh.