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"La Marck et Mirabeau," p. 32. See his letter to Lord North proposing peace, date December 1st, 1780. "Gustave III. et la Cour de France," i., p. 357. Chambrier, i., p. 430; "Gustave III.," etc., i., p. 353. "Gustave III.," etc., i., p. 353. "Mémoires de Weber," i., p. 50. "On s'arrêtait dans les rues, on se parlait sans se connaître." Madame de Campan, ch. ix. L'Oeil de Boeuf.

She looked at it all with curiosity, touched the papers, and lifted them to look underneath. Bertin approached her, saying: "You will disarrange my disorder." Without replying to this, she inquired: "Who is the gentleman that wishes to buy your Baigneuses?" "An American whom I do not know." "Have you come to an agreement about the Chanteuse des rues?" "Yes. Ten thousand." "You did well.

This latter was the scene of Molière's triumphs and of his piteous death, and the original home of the French Opera whose position is indicated by an inscription at the corner of the Rues de Valois and St. Honoré.

He thanked Providence for having sent this happy idea to him; but, as he was preparing to cross the Place, in order to reach the tortuous labyrinth of the city, where meander all those old sister streets, the Rues de la Barillerie, de la Vielle-Draperie, de la Savaterie, de la Juiverie, etc., still extant to-day, with their nine-story houses, he saw the procession of the Pope of the Fools, which was also emerging from the court house, and rushing across the courtyard, with great cries, a great flashing of torches, and the music which belonged to him, Gringoire.

On the site of the Place stood the Petit Châtelet, demolished in 1782, a gloomy prison where many a rowdy student was incarcerated. To the L. of the Rue du Petit Pont we turn by the Rue de la Bûcherie and on our R. find the Rue St. Julien le Pauvre. Here on the L., hidden behind a pair of shabby wooden gates, stands the modest little twelfth-century church, now used for the Uniat Greek services, where St. Gregory of Tours found the drunken impostor (pp. 32, 33), where the University of Paris first held its sittings, and where twice a year the royal provost attended to swear to preserve the privileges of the rector, masters and scholars. Near by stood the house of Buridan (note, p. 68). At the end of the street we turn R. by the old Rues Galande and St. Sévérin: at No. 4 of the latter, we see a trace of the original naming of the streets by Turgot, the marks of the erasure of the word "Saint" during the Revolution being clearly visible. Parallel with this street to the N. is the Rue de la Huchette, from which opens the curious old Rue du Chat qui Pêche and the Rue Zacharie, in mediæval times called Sac

Meantime the preachers were left to thunder from their pulpits upon the sinfulness of starched rues and ornamental top-knots, and to threaten their fair hearers with the wrath to come, with as much success as usually attends such eloquence.

Albigeois, vous qui passez fréquemment dans les rues adjacentes

The Convent of Jacobins between the Rues du Bac and St-Dominique, with its Church, which still remains and is called St-Thomas d'Aquin, is well worth notice, and the monastery is now occupied by the armoury which is one of the most interesting sights of Paris.

Inroad from Rues Vertes was prepared with certain confidence; but they had not calculated with the Normans and before the Command could move a finger THEY HAD LOST RUES VERTES! There was not in that first storming of the village the desperate hand-to-hand fighting that would inevitably have ensued had the Hun made a stand.

The Theatre du Palais-Royal, forming the corner of the Rues Montpensier and Beaujolais, and having an entrance in the Palais-Royal, is one of the most successful in Paris, and one of the very few which have proved good speculations, and they continue to have such excellent actors as cannot fail to attract. A. Tousez has much ability and is very comic, M. and Mad. Lemesnil, M. and Mad.