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"It's difficult, but it's pretty, as you say; and if you learn to draw from the sleeve, I'll guarantee you'll get the draw on your man every time." "Show me," said Johnny simply. "That gun of yours is too big; it's a holster weapon. Here, take this." He handed Johnny a beautifully balanced small Colt's revolver, engraved, silver-plated, with polished rosewood handles.

It contains the clothes, all gently folded, exhaling an odour of lavender, in which our friend will appear when she has closed her eyes to open them no more upon this earth. In such calm readiness she awaits her time. Upon the bureau in this sacred apartment stands a small rosewood box, which is locked, into which no one in our neighbourhood has had so much as a single peep.

He was standing beside the rosewood desk, and he reached for the phone. Carruthers would be at home now he called Carruthers there. After a moment or two he got the connection. "This is Jimmie, Carruthers," he said. "Yes, I got it. Thanks. . . . Yes. . . . Listen. I want you to get Inspector Clayton, and bring him up here at once. . . . What?

The part which fitted under the arm was covered with a cushion of blue velvet, and the rosewood staff was mounted with silver. "You manage these so gracefully, one scarcely misses your feet." "But Ernest, dear Ernest," interrupted she, "let us talk of him. You must not be influenced too much by my mother's words. She adores him, but her standard of perfection is so exalted few can attain it.

The queen looked around her for some sacred object by which she could swear, and taking out of a cupboard hidden in the tapestry, a small coffer of rosewood set in silver, and laying it on the altar: "I swear," she said, "by these sacred relics that Buckingham was not my lover." "What relics are those by which you swear?" asked Mazarin, smiling. "I am incredulous."

Her conduct towards Annie was just the same, in fact, she more than once answered her grandmother in such a tart and abrupt manner, that her mother whipped her for it. A few days after the grandmother had left, there was a package came for "Miss Annie." It proved to be a most beautiful writing desk, made of rosewood, inlaid with mother-of-pearl.

Yet intrinsically the place was mournful, even after Stern had let the sunshine in. For all was dark desolation. The rosewood and mahogany furniture, pictures, rugs, brass beds, all alike lay reduced to dust and ashes.

Henrietta felt that by receiving Rob Riley in his Sunday clothes she had forever compromised herself with Hibernia downstairs; and poor Rob, half chilled by Henrietta's reception, and wholly dampened by the rosewood furniture and the lace curtains, and the necessity for sitting down on damask upholstery, was very ill at ease.

"No fear but what Isaac will do well in the world and be a rich man before he dies." It is amusing to conjecture what were the anticipations of his grandmother and the neighbors about Isaac's future life. Some of them, perhaps, fancied that he would make beautiful furniture of mahogany, rosewood, or polished oak, inlaid with ivory and ebony, and magnificently gilded.

"I will tell you: 'So all that lovely rosewood furniture that I coveted so much, and the pretty dresses that I used to try on, are mine now! All on easy terms that Madame refused, I do no know why.