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The letter was accordingly put in his pocket, and in a few moments he rejoined his master and Mr. Middleton. The next day they returned home. Rondeau’s first act was to draw Leffie aside, and after winning from her various strong promises of secrecy, he imparted to her the astounding fact that, "He had found one of marster’s letters in his trousersno, his coat pocket.

"I ’clar for’t," said she, "if Marster George has done made such a fool of hisself, I hope she’ll pull his bar a heap worse than she did Jack’s." "No danger but what she will, and yours too," was Rondeau’s consoling reply. "Lord knows," said Aunt Dilsey, "fust time she sasses me, I’ll run away long of Jack and the baby. I’ll tie up my new gown and cap in a handkerchief this night."

Lacey was anxiously awaiting Rondeau’s return, and when he caught sight of him, coming at an unusually rapid pace toward the house, he thought, "Surely Rondeau would never hurry so if he had not good news for me," but the next thought was, "How should he know what it is I am so anxious to get?" Still he waited rather impatiently for Rondeau to make his appearance.

Crane’s. He was partly induced to do this on Rondeau’s account, who, being Ike’s sworn enemy, was the cause of no little annoyance to Mr. Middleton, who, with his negroes, was much nettled by the air of superiority which that young gentleman thought proper to assume. Greatly was Rondeau delighted to exchange the crazy old stone house, with its corn-bread and fried bacon, for Mrs.

And now I suppose some indignant reader will say, "Why didn’t you put her in Greenland, then, or some worse place?" But patience, patience, a little longer. You would have us tell things just as they were, I suppose, so we must not only suffer Miss Julia to be in the summer house, but we must also allow her to be a spectator of Rondeau’s proceedings.

Leffie answered him by a sound box on his ear, at the same time threatening to expose his wickedness at the next class meeting. Aunt Dilsey’s voice was now heard calling out, "Leffie, Leffie, is you stun deaf and blind now that fetched Rondeau’s done gone home? Come here this minute!"

A regular negro fight ensued, in which Aunt Katy, who was not very active, was thrown down, and as she loudly protested, "every atom of breath was kicked out of her." The big chicken pie was also turned over into Rondeau’s new hat, greatly to the satisfaction of Tiger and the other dogs, who had mingled in the fracas! The riot was finally quelled by Mr. William Middleton and Dr.