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Nor will I believe, though you were to tell me so yourself, that you are leagued with any obscure, fanatic sect who desire Rome’s downfall. Consider what Rome is;” and now he had got into the magnificent commonplace, out of his last panegyrical oration with which he had primed himself before he set out. “I am a Greek,” he said, “I love Greece, but I love truth better; and I look at facts.

The noble Manlius, tumbled from the very rock, which his single arm had but a little while before defended, seemed to lie there, even at his feet, mortally maimed and in the agony of death, yet even so too proud to mix one groan with the curses he poured forth against Rome’s democratic rabble.

Rome is our own! our own, even now, to portion out among our friends, our mistresses, our slaves!" "Not Romebut Rome’s inheritance, the world!" exclaimed another. "If we win, all the universe is oursand see how small the stake; when, if we fail"— "By Hades, we’ll not fail!" Cataline interrupted him, in his deep penetrating tones.

Was I, the heir of Sergius Silo’s glory, the less forbidden even to canvass for the consulship, that my great grandsire’s blood was poured out, like water, upon those fields that witnessed Rome’s extremest peril, Trebia, and the Ticinus, and Thrasymene and Cannæ?

Whom his own, his wife’s, children’s, country’s safety, the glory of his great forefathers, the veneration of the everlasting Gods awaiting his decision from the tottering pinnacle of Rome’s capitolwhom all these things excite not to actionno voice of man, no portent of the Gods themselves can stir to energy or valor; and I but waste my words in exhorting you to manhood!

Name, honor, virtue, conscience, womanhood, truth, piety, all, all, were sacrificed to her rebellious passions. But to her love of country she could have sacrificed those very passions! That frail abandoned wretch was still a Romanmight have been in a purer age a heroine of Rome’s most glorious. "Welcome, most lovely Fulvia," exclaimed the host, gliding softly into the room.