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He came to the Turkish consulate, not as consul but in some peculiar position; and by that time I was thriving as head-waiter and part-owner of a New York restaurant. Thither the fat beast came to eat daily. And so I met him, and recognized him. He did not know me. "Remember, I was young, and prosperous for the first time in all my life. You must not judge me by too up-right standards.

There is nothing that I ever could find in King's Regulations on the subject, so I suppose that if we sinned at all it must have been against some French municipal regulation. That restaurant may be quite popular now; it was getting better known even in my time. But if it becomes popular it will lose its charm. Monsieur and his family will no longer be able to shake hands with every guest.

"I'll watch you eat. Good-bye." Seated at a quiet table in the restaurant, Betty Raleigh leaned back in her chair, turning expectant eyes upon her companion. "Now tell your aged maiden auntie all about it." "Did I say I was going to tell you about it?" "You said you weren't. Therefore I wish to know." "I think I'm fired." "Fired? From The Ledger? Do you care?" "For the loss of the job? Not a hoot.

And her thoughts said, "And Mimo?" but she felt it wiser not to ask anything about him just then. To have Mirko cared for by a really clever doctor, in good air, with some discipline as to bedtime, and not those unwholesome meals, snatched at odd hours at some restaurant, seemed a wonderfully good thing. If the little fellow would only be happy separated from his father; that was the question!

"You go down the beach haf a mile and you find a fisherman and him got two very nice boats." Thanking their German acquaintance, they spoke a hearty good-by to Frau Scheff who bade them a cheerful and affectionate farewell, making them promise to come to the restaurant when they needed food, clothing or shelter.

All about you is the wine country the names of towns and villages round about read like a wine-card and, as you are lunching in some little side-street restaurant, a table is moved away, a trap-door opens, and monsieur the proprietor looks on while the big casks of claret are rolled in from the street and lowered to the cellar and the old casks hauled up again.

An hour later Esther sat at a table in the magnificent Restaurant des Ambassadeurs, drinking her tea with enjoyment and revelling in the scene before her. She felt a little guilty at being here, for she was a conscientious young woman, averse to throwing money about when there was nothing coming in.

It was very odd, he thought, that she should not wish to speak to him when he so ardently wished to speak to her. She had finished her meal and he knew that in a moment or two she would rise and go out of the restaurant. He leant across the table. "Miss Moore," he said, "I wish you would be friends with me!"

At precisely the hour agreed upon, a small motor brougham pulled up outside the door of the Hotel de Flandres and its occupant whom ninety-nine men out of a hundred would at once, unhesitatingly, have declared to be a doctor in moderate practice pushed open the swing doors of the restaurant and made his way to the desk.

Sometimes she seemed to be laboring under some secret grief which nearly drove her to tears. In another moment she would be apparently as merry as a schoolgirl. "She showed no reserve whatever, but something in her manner warned me that she was a lady, and I did not presume upon her confidence. "We walked together a long while, and at last we found ourselves near that restaurant.