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That he succeeded in the main, that he was not responsible for the fallen condition of the fleet when war again arose in 1778, is evidenced by a statement, uncontradicted, in the House of Lords in 1779, that when he left office the navy had 139 ships-of-the-line, of which 81 were ready for sea.

That one look of understanding between Crystal and Clyffurde, and the latter's strange conduct about the money at the inn, were alone responsible for the few twinges of jealousy which de Marmont had experienced in that quarter.

There are, however, great differences of opinion among them, and no man should be made responsible for the opinions of the class as a class. I have said a few pages back that some forms of idealism are inspiring, and that some are not. Bishop Berkeley called the objects of sense ideas.

If He wishes to hold a gentleman responsible, why doesn't He address him in his native tongue? Why write His word in such a way that hundreds of thousands make their living explaining it? If I'd only understood Hebrew I would have known God didn't make Eve out of a rib. He made her out of Adam's side. How did He get it out?

"I really do not think you are responsible for your words," he began. Marigny swept aside the protest with an emphatic gesture. "Oh, yes, I am," he said, his voice low, sibilant, menacing. "I have laid my plans, and shall pursue them with a complete detachment. Others may suffer so shall I. I have practically reached the limit of my resources. In a month or less I shall be penniless.

First, he obliged him to say that his conversation with Miss Tuttle had not tended to smooth matters; that no reconciliation with his wife had followed it, and that in the thirty-six hours which elapsed before he returned home again he had made no attempt to soothe the feelings of one, who, according to his own story, he considered hardly responsible for any extravagances in which she might have indulged.

"I don't think you had any right to tell him to go to Bloomfield," replied Riddell, with a boldness which astonished himself. "I'm responsible for stopping fights." "I don't want you to tell me my business," retorted Game, hotly; "who are you?" Game could have thrashed the captain as easily as he could Telson, and the thought flashed through Riddell's mind as he paused to reply.

In many of the diseases that involve other organs, the liver may be primarily affected. It is difficult to diagnose functional disorders of the liver that are responsible for a diseased condition of some other body organ. A knowledge of the physiology and pathology of the liver is of the greatest importance in the diagnosis of this class of disorders.

The company felt that they were occupying an unusually responsible position they were representing the people of America, not the Government and therefore they were careful to do their best to perform their high mission with credit.

But he knew that, if he had been in her place, she in his, he the saint and she the sinner, and that, if he had known her through her sin to be responsible for the child's death, there was no misery on earth that could have made him charge her with it. Further than that he could not understand her. The suddenness and cruelty of the blow had brutalised his imagination.