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"Well, I'll take you home and then wheel the thing down to the bicycle repair-shop near the depot, eh?" "Oh, no, indeed," protested the other. "I'll I'll have them send up for it. I wouldn't have you go way down there with it for anything." "Pshaw! that's no walk; besides, if you have them send, it will be some time to-morrow afternoon before you get it back."

There are only five cars in town, one of which is kept in the repair-shop for effect. I've hired one." "Humph!" he cried. "What will the kings do?" "Kings!" I cried. "What kings?" "I have nine kings and one car-load of common souls besides for this affair," he explained. "Each king wants a special car."

Springing onto the saddle, he kicked away the folding support and started the engine. Just as he did, the master of the repair-shop ran outside, one of the small hand-weapons in his hand, and fired several shots. They all missed, but Hradzka heard the whining sound of the missiles passing uncomfortably close to him.

It was almost dark when he reached the repair-shop near the railroad, and the proprietor, a wizened little bald-headed man, was preparing to go home. "Can't fix anything to-night," he protested shrilly. "It's too late; come in the morning." "Well, if you think I'm going to wheel this thing back here to-morrow you've missed your guess," said Neil.

For countless thousands of years my ancestors have lived and died and drawn all their breaths in the open air. It is only recently that we have begun to live in houses. The change is a hardship, especially on the lungs. I've got only one pair of lungs, and I haven't the address of any repair-shop. Wherefore I stick by the open air as much as possible.

It was a large order for a town like mine, where forty thousand people have to get along with five cars two open ones for winter and two closed for summer, and one, which we have never seen, which is kept for use in the repair-shop. I was in despair. Ten car-loads of immortals coming to my house for a trolley-party under such conditions! It was frightful! I did the best I could, however.

There was a melancholy abandonment, heavy with remorse, in her sad and flabby face, in the humility of her look, in the slow, round fatness of her whole body. The ex-convict followed the advice of Don Adolfo and gave up all idea of devoting himself to farming. In the best street of the village, near the church, he set up a general repair-shop where he took in both wood and iron work.

"Presently a barber-shop and a banana stand will follow; then a bicycle repair-shop will spring up in our midst, and from that moment our status as a commercial centre will be assured." As I was in no sense a business man I could not deny this. To be frank with you, it all looked very plausible to me.

Looking farther, we saw that down in the insides of her where formerly she stowed noble freights of coal or lumber or, sometimes, hay and ice were now a boiler and engine room, and a good, big repair-shop.

Besides, though Dick had never read that "love is an insane desire on the part of a man to pay a woman's board bill for life," he took a definite satisfaction out of this secret expenditure, which he did not stop to analyse. He brought back full price for everything he took to the "repair-shop," as he had irreverently christened the sanitarium, though he seldom sold much.