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When they see that I could git a ’onest living, an old cove in a cocked hat ses he to me, ses he, ‘You’re a saltimbanc, you are. Wery good. “And did he?” “Course he did; and I’m now one of the reg’lar perfession. I aint to be hinterfered with; leastways, without I’m donkey enough to go on the cross and be took up.

‘There!’ said the captain, pointing to one of the young ladies before noticed, who, in her bathing costume, looked as if she was enveloped in a patent Mackintosh, of scanty dimensions. ‘So it is, I declare!’ exclaimed Mrs. Captain Waters. ‘How very curious we should see them both!’ ‘Very,’ said the captain, with perfect coolness. ‘It’s the reg’lar thing here, you see,’ whispered Mr.

I see him a turnin’ the corner, and I ses to another gen’lm’nthat’s a reg’lar little oss that, and he’s a comin’ along rayther sweet, an’t he?”—“He just is,” ses the other gen’lm’n, ven bump they cums agin the post, and out flies the fare like bricks.’ Need we say it was the red cab; or that the gentleman with the straw in his mouth, who emerged so coolly from the chemist’s shop and philosophically climbing into the little dickey, started off at full gallop, was the red cab’s licensed driver?

He looked in, ma’am, as a brick-maker might, and then he come in, as a brickmaker might, and he wagged his tail at the pots, and he giv a sniff round and conveyed to me as he was used to beer. So I draw’d him a drop, and he drunk it up. Next morning he come agen by the clock and I draw’d him a pint, and ever since he has took his pint reg’lar.”

Ever since Adam and Eve had a few words over their dessert, husbands and wives have gone on quarrelling continuously and the humble philosopher who said that certain people quarrelled ‘bitter and reg’lar, like man and wife,’ was merely describing a condition that habit had made familiar to him.

How would you like it?” he continued, appealing to me with as hard a look in the face as if I had been his most implacable enemy, “how would you like it, if you had looked up a jolly good pitch, and a reg’lar good comp’ny was a looking onat the west end, in a slap up street, where there ain’t no thoroughfareand jist as you’re a doin’ the basin, and the browns is a droppin’ into the ’at, up comes a Peeler.

‘Nice light fly and a fast trotter, sir,’ said another: ‘fourteen mile a hour, and surroundin’ objects rendered inwisible by ex-treme welocity!’ ‘Large fly for your luggage, sir,’ cried a third. ‘Werry large fly here, sirreg’lar bluebottle!’

I see,’ responded the reg’lar, with a knowing wink, but without evincing the slightest disinclination to undertake the charge‘I seebit o’ Sving, eh?’ and his one eye wandered round the room, as if in quest of a dark lantern and phosphorus-box. ‘But, I say!’ he continued, recalling the eye from its search, and bringing it to bear on Mr.