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He was now enjoying the fruits of her industry with a fair credit rating, very different from formerly, a bank account of which Trudy knew nothing, and the congenial work of pussyfooting about boudoirs and guzzling tea while perched on Beatrice's blue-satin gondolas. He no longer needed Trudy.

"Please, Doctor, please don't talk like that!" "Still squeamish, eh? Your pussyfooting always did give me an acute pain. I'm for direct action, word and deed, first, last, and all the time. I repeat, you have exactly as much chance of killing Richard Seaton as a blind kitten has." "How do you arrive at that conclusion, Doctor? You seem very fond of belittling our abilities.

"Listen, you egregious clam," she said, firmly, "I know darn well I've been pregnant for at least seven months, and I ought to be twice this big. Our clock isn't that far off; Carl said that by wave lengths or something it's only about three per cent fast. And you've been pussyfooting and hem-hawing around all this time. Now, Uncle Andy, I want the truth. Are we in for a lot of trouble?"

Thus, by a fortunate combination of circumstances, a Dry Agent is enabled to serve mankind and, at the same time, greatly increase his own personal fortune. But we cannot wait until our college graduates come to regard pussyfooting as a career. We must do what we can with the material at our disposal.

The methods are of the class known colloquially among the vulgar-spoken American politicians as "pussyfooting" and "log-rolling"; but always with such circumstance of magnitude, authenticity and well-bred deference to precedent, as to give the resulting routine of subreption, trover and conversion, an air not only of benevolent consideration but of austere morality.

You remember then they got a youngster in their power and nearly trimmed him down to his eye-teeth!" Farriss sat reflecting deeply, chewing the stem of his dead pipe. "There's something going on that's as plain as a red banner-head. You've got a peach of a start, so far, and done good pussyfooting you, too, Stella but there's one thing that conflicts with your hypothesis " The two leaned forward.

Henry C. Campbell, one of the editors of the Milwaukee Journal, and a devoted friend, that the Democratic party, through its representatives on the Committee on Resolutions, was engaged in "pussyfooting" on the hyphen issue and that this would result in bitter disappointment to the country. At the time of the receipt of this telephone message from St. June 13, 1916.

God only knows what else she says you said." "It's not true, any of it! I did like Mrs. Westlake, and I've called on her, and apparently she's gone and twisted everything I've said " "Sure. Of course she would. Didn't I tell you she would? She's an old cat, like her pussyfooting, hand-holding husband.