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No self-respecting magazine would print the thing; and here you behold it in a bound volume, not for any worth of its own, but for the sake of the man whom it purports dimly to represent and some of whose sayings it preserves; so that in this volume of Memories and Portraits, Robert Young, the Swanston gardener, may stand alongside of John Todd, the Swanston shepherd.

For instance, the editor of La Nueva Era, a daily which in two scraggy leaves purports to be a 'journal of news, travel, science, literature and freedom, was only a few weeks ago raving at the 'American Pigs'; while now he luxuriates under the eagle's ægis and writes eulogies upon Benjamin Franklin, George Washington and William McKinley. Nor is he alone in his devotion to the American idea.

Once more. It is altogether a false, absurd, violent, unnatural and preposterous proceeding, in construing a political paper, which purports to establish men's relations to the state, and especially in construing the clause in it which fixes the basis of representation and taxation, to give to the words, which describe the persons to be represented and taxed, and which appropriately indicate those relations of men to the state which make them proper subjects of taxation and representation to give to such words a meaning, which, instead of describing men's relations to the state, would describe merely a personal or property relation of one individual to another, which the state has nowhere else recognized, and which, if admitted to exist, would absolve the persons described from all allegiance to the state, would deny them all right to be represented, and discharge them from all liability to be taxed.

The first of the five letters purports to be from Logan to an unnamed conspirator, addressed as ‘Right Honourable Sir.’ It is not certain whether this letter was in the hands of the prosecution before the day preceding Sprot’s execution, nor is it certain whether it is ever alluded to by Sprot under examination.

For some reason or other, the builders of the pyramids concealed the object of these structures, and this so successfully that not even a tradition has reached us which purports to have been handed down from the epoch of the pyramids' construction.

'As emphatically as I could. 'I will see the man who edits this to-morrow, cried Hubert hotly. 'But perhaps he is too great a blackguard to talk with. 'It purports to come, you see, from a London correspondent. But I suppose the source is nearer. 'You mean you think that man Mutimer has originated it? 'I scarcely think that. 'Yet it is more than likely. I will go to the Manor at once.

The Amitâyur-dhyâna-sûtra also purports to be the teaching of Śâkyamuni and has an historical introduction connecting it with Queen Vaidehî and King Bimbisâra. Admission to the paradise can be obtained in various ways, but the method recommended is the practice of a series of meditations which are described in detail.

It purports to contain the autobiography of Will Sommers, the vicomte's jester, afterward court-fool to Henry VIII. The Episode Called The Castle of Content I Glimpse the Castle "And so, dearie," she ended, "you may seize the revenues of Allonby with unwashed hands." I said, "Why have you done this?" I was half-frightened by the sudden whirl of Dame Fortune's wheel.

These various items lead, therefore, in all to a deduction of a round figure of about $5,000,000,000, and leave us with an amount of $1,250,000,000 theoretically still available. To some readers this figure may seem low, but let them remember that it purports to represent the remnant of saleable securities upon which the German Government might be able to lay hands for public purposes.

The boy's cheeks were angrily flushed and his eyes bad a dangerous flash. "That is not my father's signature!" "What do you mean?" "Exactly what I say that this writing which purports to be my father's was never penned by him." "You are making a rash assertion." "I am fully prepared to prove it when we get back to New York."