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A farmer hiring a laborer for one season who has received a good common school education, and the ensuing season hiring another who has not enjoyed this advantage, although he may be personally convinced of the relative value or profitableness of their services, yet he will rarely have any exact data or tests to refer to by which he can measure the superiority of the former over the latter.

* I am convinced that the 'eri' in 'eriounios' is not intensitive, but retained from 'erion'; but even if I am wrong in thinking this, the mistake is of no consequence with respect to the general force of the term as meaning the profitableness of Hermes.

Supposed Profitableness of Lying. Plea for "Lies of Necessity." Lying not Justifiable between Enemies in War-time. Rightfulness of Concealing Movements and Plans from Enemy. Responsibility with Flag of Truce. Difference between Scout and Spy. Ethical Distinctions Recognized by Belligerents. Libby Prison Experiences. Physicians and Patients. Concealment not Necessarily Deception.

In part no doubt this was accident; in part it was due to the greater prominence which novels and serial works of other kinds were beginning to assume; in part it may be to the fact that the great increase in the number of magazines and newspapers had lowered their individual dignity and perhaps their profitableness.

In the national point of view, the profitableness of the foreign export trade, as compared with colonial, would seem more dubious still, when the values left and distributed among the producing classes are taken into calculation.

So much for the profitableness of debate between confirmed partisans. Emile Henry was representative of the theoretical dynamitard; Matthieu, like Ravachol, of the dynamitard by passion. A , who belonged rather to the Ravachol type, and ended by killing one of the crowned heads of Europe, was during a few weeks a frequenter of the Tocsin.

It is a 'waste land where no one came, or hath come since the making of the world. Here and there a stunted, grey, prickly shrub struggles to live, and just manages not to die. But it has no grace of leaf, nor profitableness of fruit; and it only serves to make the desolation more desolate. The other carries us to some brimming river, where everything lives because water has come.

Wood, touching his ruinous Bill, that "Its reductions are trifling as compared with what they should be. * If I had the power to commence de novo, I should reduce the duties 50 per cent., instead of less than 15 per cent., upon an average as now proposed," an effort which was narrowly, and with great difficulty, defeated by the Republicans, aided by a mere handful of others, had also occasioned great excitement throughout the Country, the suspension and failure of thousands of business firms, the destruction of confidence in the stability and profitableness of American industries, and great consequent suffering, and enforced idleness, to the working men and working women of the Land.

A true soldier would require something more than the average treatise on Christian ethics to convince him that a lie to an enemy in war time is justifiable as a "lie of necessity," on the ground of its profitableness.

As one of the builders of the pioneer railroad from the city, and of the next in point of time, which has since become one of the foremost lines of the country in importance and profitableness, Mr. Witt deserves honorable record among the men who have contributed most to make Cleveland what it is to-day, a rich, populous, and rapidly growing city.