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"My lad, when you find out what Prescott and Darrin have done in the way of rescuing your father, you'll feel wholly ashamed of yourself. I don't believe either young man has given a second thought to the reward." People in a crowd take sides quickly. Bert heard several muttered remarks from the bystanders that made him flush. Then, choking and angry, he turned and darted for the house.

Nor was it until Prescott and Reade were astir that Harry was fully enlightened as to the meaning of the words scrawled in pencil on the sheet of paper. "You boys call me Hazy, and I must look and act the part," laughed Hazelton shamefacedly, "when we can have such an invasion of the camp, and such an early get-away with a loaded wagon, and all without my stirring."

Guess your partner will be pretty safe with Hollin; but you're a plainsman and you'd sure get lost in a day or two and starve when your grub ran out." "That's right," agreed the other man. "The thing can't be done." Prescott fell in with his opinion. It would, he thought, require a number of expert mountaineers to trace the men he sought through the desolation of rock and forest to the south.

He would have succeeded, too, had Prescott relied upon his strength alone. But Dick employed both hands in getting a neck-hold that hurt. "Now, quit your fooling," Prescott advised, "or I'll let out a whoop that will bring five more fellows here. Do you know what they would do to you? They'd just about lynch you -schoolboy fashion. Do you know what a schoolboy lynching is?"

"What's that?" screamed Bert in added fury. "You insult me -you -you mucker?" "If I'm a mucker, then you don't need to feel insulted at my opinion of you," Dick suggested, with a smile. But this hesitancy on the part of Prescott was filling Bert Dodge with more valor every instant. "Prescott, I've owed you something for a mighty long time," quivered Bert. "And now it's coming! Here it is!"

"We've had a busy, busy summer," murmured Briggs, "licking the new beasts into shape." Greg laughed heartily at memory of some of the hazing stunts through which he had once helped to rush Briggs. Furlong, Griffin and Dobbs, of the second class, hurried over to greet Prescott and Holmes. "Where's Anstey?" Dick inquired. "Not back yet, I'm sure," replied Briggs.

Prescott, do you or do you not believe that there is a God above who sees all, loves all and rights all injustice in His own good time?" "Assuredly I believe it, sir." "And yet, in your own case, you have so little faith in that justice that, though you feel your course has been honorable, you cannot wait for justice to be done. Prescott, isn't that kind of faith almost blasphemy?"

"Bernard and Phyllis may come home any day to deposit a child. They lost their boy, and hope to save the elder one. But come, Angel! if you have taken in enough we must go up to those electrical girls. Dolores is come to give a lecture, with the other girl to assist, Miss Prescott." "Dolores! Yes, poor Gerald's love! They are almost myths to me.

The couriers bearing Archer's report to Prescott found others, similarly burdened, from the upper reservation, from Camp Sandy, and even from points to the west and south of department head-quarters, all telling of death and depredation.

"I want you to remember that you are not to write or send in any other letter of resignation until you have first talked it over with me. And I want you to remember that a soldier should be a man of faith as well as of honor. Further, Prescott, you may feel yourself wholly at liberty to explain, at any time, what your orders from me were that led to your catching and reporting Mr. Jordan."