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"We always take a doctor's pocket-case when going on a trip, and father now took it out, so I knew the beaver was not dead. "'Poll, try to come over here and bring a pan, sheath-knife, and some hartshorn from the pack. "I did as I was told, and stood helping father when the beaver came too after getting a big whiff of hartshorn.

"One evening, after the business of the day was over, Tippoo Sultan came into his son's apartment, whilst I was explaining to the young prince the use of some of the mathematical instruments in my pocket-case.

The wife was longer in discovering the truth, but a certain morning, as her husband lay sleeping after an all-night sitting with a patient, she saw lying beside him it had dropped from his waistcoat pocket a little bottle full of a dark liquid. She knew that he always carried his medicine-phials in a pocket-case. She got the case, and saw that none was missing.

The King gave up a knife, and took from a morocco case a pair of scissors and a penknife; and the officials then searched the room, taking away the little toilet implements of gold and silver, and afterwards removing the Princesses' working materials. Returning to the King's room, they insisted upon seeing what remained in his pocket-case.

He laid out his large Quain's Dictionary of Medicine in the forefront of the table so as to impress the casual patient that he had ever the best authorities at his elbow. Then he cleared all the little instruments out of his pocket-case the scissors, the forceps, the bistouries, the lancets and he laid them all out beside the stethoscope, to make as good a show as possible.

Sir Francis Vesey, dimly regretting the half-smoked cigar he had thrown away in a moment of impatience, took out a fresh one from his pocket-case and lit it. "Solomon has expressed every disagreeable situation in life with remarkable accuracy," he murmured placidly, as he began to puff rings of pale smoke into the surrounding yellow haze, "but he was a bit of a misanthrope."

"Perhaps to hear of it again." "Hello, that is rather startling! And you have done so? "I think so. Yes, I may say that." "Now how do you suppose you lost that needle?" "It was taken from my pocket-case, and another substituted. "Returning good for evil. Could you not see the difference in the needles?" "There is not, necessarily, difference in needles.

Uncle John possessed a neat little morocco pocket-case, containing a dozen silver spoons, and silver-handled knives and forks, and although we are told that these implements are of later invention than fingers, there is, nevertheless, a very general bias in their favor, for the purpose to which they are applied.

You are trembling." "It's just this way, Lesley: my nerve is broken; I can't perform the operation as I am, and he will die in an hour if I don't." She caught him by the arm. "Can you not be strong? You have a will. Will you not try to save my father, James? Is there no way?" "Yes, there is one way," he said. He opened the pocket-case and took out a phial of laudanum. "This is the way.

Sharing a tool-box with Gridley and smoking a cigar out of Gridley's pocket-case, Lidgerwood found it difficult to be less than friendly. It was to little purpose that he recalled Ford's qualified recommendation of the man who had New York backing and who, in Ford's phrase, was a "brute after his own peculiar fashion."