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But they may ask you questions." "Questions?" "Yes; about me." "My treasure, my jewel," exclaimed Petronelle in alarm, "have those devils...?" "No, no; nothing has happened as yet, but, you know, in these times there is always danger." "Good God! Holy Mary! Mother of God!" "Nothing 'll happen if you try to keep quite calm and do exactly as I tell you.

"It would be best I should leave your house," she said gently; "I have so ill repaid your hospitality. Petronelle and I can easily go back to our lodgings." "You would break my mother's heart if you left her now," he said, almost roughly. "She has become very fond of you, and knows, just as well as I do, the dangers that would beset you outside my house.

At the barrier, however, he roused himself and took out the passes which alone enabled Juliette and Petronelle to re-enter the town unchallenged. He himself as Citizen-Deputy could come and go as he wished. Juliette shuddered as the great gates closed behind her with a heavy clank. It seemed to shut out even the memory of this happy day, which for a brief space had been quite perfect.

Petronelle thought it wiser to be as agreeable as she could, and this, in the opinion of the Court of the Dauphiness, was not going very far.

Petronelle touched Sir Patrick and made him a significant sign. Daylight was beginning to reveal itself by the time the brief service was over. Sir Patrick, stimulated by the lady, ventured a few steps forward, and accosted Maitre Coeur as he rose, and drawing forward his hood was about to leave the church. 'Beau Sire, a word with you.

Waited upon by faithful Petronelle, she had been forced to live on the savings of that worthy old soul, as all her property, all the Marny estates, the dot she took with her to the convent everything, in fact had been seized by the Revolutionary Government, self appointed to level fortunes, as well as individuals.

Margaret laughed, with a little annoyance in her tone, as she said, 'Ever my shadow, good Madame, ever wearying yourself with care. Here, sisters, here is my trusty and well-beloved Dame de Ste. Petronelle, who takes such care of me that she dogs my footsteps like a messan. 'And reason gude, replied the lady.

She had gathered a huge bouquet of poppies, marguerites and blue lupin Nature's tribute to the national colours and as she wandered through the sylvan glades she looked like some quaint dweller of the woods a sprite, mayhap with old mother Petronelle trotting behind her, like an attendant witch.

Whilst Deroulede and Juliette talked together Anne Mie cleared the supper-table, then came and sat on a low stool at madame's feet. She took no part in the conversation, but every now and then Juliette felt the girl's melancholy eyes fixed almost reproachfully upon her. When Juliette had retired with Petronelle, Deroulede took Anne Mie's hand in his.

But at the door Juliette turned to her once more, and said: "Petronelle take care of her..." And with a firm step she followed the soldiers out of the room. Presently the front door was heard to open, then to shut with a loud bang, and the house in the Rue Ecole de Medecine was left in silence. In the Luxembourg prison.