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After her first Christmas in London, Lettice began to accept invitations to the houses of her acquaintance. She dined several times at the Grahams', where there were never more than eight at table, and, being a bright talker and an appreciative listener two qualities which do not often go together she was always an impressive personality without exactly knowing it.

It seems as if the small and ever diminishing number and the meaningless character of the Italian, and particularly of the Roman, individual names, compared with the luxuriant and poetical fulness of those of the Greeks, were intended to illustrate the truth that it was characteristic of the one nation to reduce all to a level, of the other to promote the free development of personality.

The personality of the management and its effect upon the worker under its direction and leadership are other important factors. The manager who is a keen, positive driver will get good results with a certain type of people in his organization, but only with a certain type.

Until the time came for this effort he would be Anthony Patch not a portrait of a man but a distinct and dynamic personality, opinionated, contemptuous, functioning from within outward a man who was aware that there could be no honor and yet had honor, who knew the sophistry of courage and yet was brave.

I confess that to me the spectacle presented by Goethe when dwelling on the minutest incidents of his childhood with senile vanity and persistence, and fashioning with avaricious care the silver shrine and crystal case in which like a very different sort of Saint Charles Borromeo he hopes to have the reverent ages view him, is one which increases my sense of his defective though splendid personality.

It was ere long confirmed indeed, for Philip, the leech whom the guide had been to find, and whose dignified personality inspired the Arab with confidence, was a daily visitor to the governor, and he spoke of Paula as one of the most perfect creatures that Heaven had ever formed in a happy hour.

How they must have made fun of him!... Ulysses admired himself as though he were an entirely new personality, happy and triumphant, completely separated from that other creature by dolorous periods of humiliations and failures that he did not wish to recall.

The influence of his genial kindness was never forgotten by his youngest brother; but there was a stronger and more dominating personality of which the effect was less beneficial to a sensitive and nervous child. Richard Hurrell Froude is regarded by High Churchmen as an originator of the Oxford Movement, and he impressed all his contemporaries by the brilliancy of his gifts.

Those who have come under the spell of his personality declare him to be the most delightful of companions; what Germany has grown to be under his reign of twenty-five years all the world knows, much of the world envies, some of the world fears; what his own people think of him can best be expressed by the statement that his supremacy was never more assured than to-day.

Altogether, a great lady, and a personality yet something else too something ill-assured, timid, incongruous hard to be defined. "I believe you have not been at Mellor long?" the new-comer asked, in a deep contralto voice which she dragged a little. "About seven weeks. My father and mother have been there since May." "You must of course think it a very interesting old place?"