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Corsets placed on the young girl interfere with the functions of circulation, respiration, digestion, and of the pelvic organs, also with muscular development. In addition to all this, the girl is handicapped in taking all outdoor exercises and athletic sports.

I shall now mention a few instances in which the disease appears to have been conveyed by the process of direct inoculation. Dr. Campbell, of Edinburgh, states that in October, 1821, he assisted at the post-mortem examination of a patient who died with puerperal fever. He carried the pelvic viscera in his pocket to the class-room.

It has been presupposed in the foregoing, that the one making visual examination of a lame animal for diagnostic purposes, will remember that with the normal animal the weight is borne equally well with both fore legs; and that this is done without shifting from one to the other; and that the pelvic limbs do not support the body in this manner.

I think life has not yet done with the vivacious Ricord, whom I remember calling the Voltaire of pelvic literature, a sceptic as to the morality of the race in general, who would have submitted Diana to treatment with his mineral specifics, and ordered a course of blue pills for the vestal virgins. Ricord was born at the beginning of the century, and Piorry some years earlier.

In doing this the pressure exerted must be deep enough to recognize distinctly, along the whole route traversed by the examining fingers, the resistant surfaces of the posterior abdominal wall and of the pelvic brim. Only in this way can we positively feel the normal or the slightly enlarged appendix; pressure short of this must necessarily fail.

Both presentation and position are normal, the forefeet and head having entered the pelvic cavity, but the shoulders and chest are jammed tightly in the inlet, and the progress of the foetus along the maternal passages is retarded.

In the case of the mother, heart disease, kidney trouble and pelvic deformities are also a serious bar to childbearing. Thousands of volumes have been written by physicians upon the danger to mothers and offspring of having children when one or both parents are suffering from the diseases mentioned above.

Ureterovaginal fistulae following total extirpation of the uterus, opening of pelvic abscesses, or ulcerations from foreign bodies, are repaired by an operation termed by Bazy of Paris ureterocystoneostomy, and suggested by him as a substitute for nephrectomy in those cases in which the renal organs are unaffected.

The reason of this is that the application of cold to the surface causes a driving in of the blood from the exterior of the body to the internal organs; and at the menstrual periods there is already a congested condition of the pelvic organs, and it must be remembered that congestion is the first stage of inflammation.

All pelvic inflammations should be promptly treated, and not allowed to become chronic. Leucorrhea is a symptom of inflammation, the true cause of which can be determined only by local examination. Women who have given birth to children and this is more especially necessary as they near the age of forty years should be carefully examined for tears of the neck of the womb.