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Then thicken it with flour and butter, and a tea-spoonful of mushroom ketchup will make the gravy very good. GRAVY FOR WILD FOWL. Set on a saucepan with half a pint of veal gravy, adding half a dozen leaves of basil, a small onion, and a roll of orange or lemon peel. Let it boil up for a few minutes, and strain it off.

"Well, I go upon this," said Waldershare. "It is quite clear that Peel has nothing to offer the country, and the country will not rally round a negation. When he failed in '34 they said there had not been sufficient time for the reaction to work.

At the Cabinet dinner at Peel's, Peel said the Bishop of Oxford was ready to speak at any time, and wished to follow a violent bishop. He may easily find one. We had much talk about our approaching debates.

I don't want you to do a thing about getting supper, but you'll be sitting round in the kitchen and that'll keep your skirt clean." Pen picked up a pan of cold boiled potatoes and began to peel them with more good will than skill. "I do like you, Jane Ames," she said. "Two people couldn't laugh together like that and not have been meant to understand each other."

Peel obtained a seat for the borough of Westbury, and moved a preliminary bill for suppressing the Catholic Association. This passed both houses in February, but was already ineffective when it became law, since the association had been shrewd enough to dissolve itself upon the advice of its English well-wishers. The catholic relief bill was therefore introduced under favourable auspices.

They were to be sold, and had been, suggested by Sir Robert Peel to her Majesty and the Prince as exactly constituted to form the retired yet not too remote country and seaside home not palace, for which the royal couple were looking out. It is unnecessary to say that the personal visit was quite satisfactory, though the purchase was not made till some months later.

Mash them; add two tablespoons of fresh, melted butter, pinch of salt, a little pepper, one tablespoon of cream. Whip it for about five minutes or until very smooth and light. Make into forms, roll them in a beaten egg and bread crumbs. Fry in boiling lard. From MRS. E. J. P. HOWES, of Michigan, Lady Manager. Peel potatoes thin; put into boiling water with a little salt added.

Whispering to his daughter to stand behind the door, and softly to push back the bolt each time the attempt was made to prise it open, Frank snatched down, and loaded with slugs, his old musket. Then very quietly he let himself down through the trap-door into the cow-house, which in all, or nearly all, old peel towers formed the lower story of the building.

Having quickly 'picked up the case, the lawyer joined Sir Robert Peel's guests at breakfast, and amused them by leading the dean back to the dispute of the previous day, and overthrowing his fallacies by a skilful use of the same arguments which the self-taught engineer had employed with such ill effect. "What do you say, Mr. Stephenson?" asked Sir Robert Peel, enjoying the dean's discomfiture.

It is expected he will evade, and that Villele may be able to go on with the new Chamber. No news from Algiers. 15,000 men are assembled at Toulon as a reserve. July 6. Cabinet. Peel said the Lord Advocate would resign if we did not pass the Scotch Judicature Bill, so we must struggle through with it. The Welsh Judicature Bill is to be passed too. This will keep us sitting some time.