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He had hung about in the vicinity of the Catholic church on several evenings as well, but to no purpose. The organ inside was dumb, and he could detect no signs of Celia's presence on the curtains of the pastorate next door. This day, too, there was no one visible at the home of the Maddens, and he walked on, a little sadly. It was weary work waiting for the signal that never came.

We find it at length in this chapter, the chapter which tells the readers that they "have an altar." That is to say, the Christian Ministry is above all things a pastorate. To a sacerdotal aspect of its special functions no reference appears. And that is noteworthy just because of the profound sacerdotalism of the whole context of the Epistle. But why?

Death of Mrs. Emerson. Difference of Opinion with some of his Parishioners. Sermon Explaining his Views. Resignation of his Pastorate. Section I. Visit to Europe. On his Return preaches in Different Places. Emerson in the Pulpit. At Newton. Fixes his Residence at Concord. The Old Manse. Lectures in Boston. Lectures on Michael Angelo and on Milton published in the "North American Review."

I see the class library, and I envy the students. I am present at the weekly book-day, and at the periodical addresses delivered to the class by those town and country ministers who have been most skilful in their pastorate and most successful in the conversion and in the character of their people.

To undertake nothing of importance alone nor with the assistance of the church-council, except it have been previously communicated to the Reverend College of Pastors, and their opinion have been obtained, as well as to abide by their good counsel and advice. 6. To render a verbal or written account of my pastorate at the demand of the Reverend College of Pastors. 7.

This was the state of parties when Bunyan, at the commencement of his pastorate, entered into the controversy. He had been promised a commendation to his book by the great, the grave, 'the sober' Dr. Owen, but he withdrew his sanction.

No church can languish, no church can die, while it has plenty of young blood in its veins. What has been the outcome of these thirty years of happy pastorate?

Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, is peopled with them and their tillage of the soil has continued through two centuries. A notable illustration is in Illinois. The permanence of the conditions of country life in this community is indicated by the long pastorate of the minister who has just retired.

As far as the results can be tabulated the following is a brief summary: During my pastorate here I have preached about 2,750 discourses, have delivered a very large number of public addresses in behalf of Sunday Schools, Young Men's Associations, the temperance reform, and kindred enterprises for advancing human welfare. I have officiated at 682 marriages. I have baptized 962 children.

A clean-shaven, benevolent-looking gentleman of middle age was next in evidence. He had but recently assumed his present pastorate and was a deeply interested and attentive observer of all that was happening. In reply to the inquiry from the bench, he answered that he was a Universalist. "A Universalist!" replied the judge, almost astounded beyond the power of expression.