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Brilliant as a scholar, a musician, and a talker, he is perhaps best known as one of the greatest of parodists. He pub. Verses and Translations , and Fly-leaves . He also translated Theocritus . Antiquary and historian, b. in London, and ed. at Christ's Hospital, St.

Modern parodists, of whom I will speak more particularly in a future chapter, have, I think, surpassed such poems as The Baby's Début and A Tale of Drury Lane, but in the far more difficult art of imitating a prose style none that I know of has even approached the author of the Hampshire Farmer's Address and Johnson's Ghost. Does any one read William Cobbett nowadays?

On the whole, the parodists were in a majority, and their parodies were just as blasphemous as one expects them to be in France. Through M. Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire, a typical French statesman of the philosophical cast, I secured an invitation to the solitary meeting which Gambetta, as candidate for Belleville, was permitted to hold prior to the actual election.

We will only pause here to remark that the true end of life does not seem to us to be happiness so much as development, and the evolution of such characters as Emerson and Matthew Arnold. His condemnation of Emerson's poetry was a still severer blow. Emerson's friends had endured enough already on that score. Nothing was ever made so much fun of by parodists and other small wits.

The thread is easy enough to follow from the twelfth century down to the author of Don Quixote which I do not confound with its infamous predecessors to Cervantes, whose work has been fatal, but whose mind was elevated. However that may be, parody and the parodists were themselves a cause of decay. They weakened morals.