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Major Bendire says that he once found the nest of an oven-bird containing seven cowbird's eggs and only one of the little owner's.

The winter wren, common all through the woods, peeped and scolded at us as we sat blowing near the summit, and the oven-bird, not quite sure as to what manner of creatures we were, hopped down a limb to within a few feet of us and had a good look, then darted off into the woods to tell the news.

Bahia Blanca Geology Numerous gigantic Quadrupeds Recent Extinction Longevity of species Large Animals do not require a luxuriant vegetation Southern Africa Siberian Fossils Two Species of Ostrich Habits of Oven-bird Armadilloes Venomous Snake, Toad, Lizard Hybernation of Animal Habits of Sea-Pen Indian Wars and Massacres Arrow-head, antiquarian Relic.

The following are among its most frequent dupes, given somewhat in the order of the bird's apparent choice: song-sparrow, field-sparrow, yellow warbler, chipping-sparrow, other sparrows, Maryland yellow-throat, yellow-breasted chat, vireos, worm-eating warbler, indigo-bird, least-flycatcher, bluebird, Acadian flycatcher, Canada flycatcher, oven-bird, king-bird, cat-bird, phoebe, Wilson's thrush, chewink, and wood-thrush.

However, I still keep a careful description of it, which I took down on the spot, and which I expect some future golden-wing to verify. But the most celebrated of the warblers in this regard is the golden-crowned thrush, otherwise called the oven-bird and the wood wagtail. His ordinary effort is one of the noisiest, least melodious, and most incessant sounds to be heard in our woods.

Recent Extinction. Longevity of Species. Large Animals do not require a luxuriant Vegetation. Southern Africa. Siberian Fossils. Two Species of Ostrich. Habits of Oven-bird. Armadilloes. Venomous Snake, Toad, Lizard. Hybernation of Animals. Habits of Sea-Pen. Indian Wars and Massacres. Arrowhead, antiquarian Relic.

Of the interesting and typically North American family of wood warblers I have numbered no fewer than eight which nest in the Park; these are the redstart, the yellow-breasted chat, northern yellow-throat, oven-bird, the yellow warbler, blue-winged, black-and-white creeping warblers, and one other to be mentioned later.

"The oven-bird!" we exclaimed in a breath. That made our walk noteworthy. We should not regret, even if the hermit refused to bless us. Silently on up the road we passed, till the deepening shadows reminded us of the hour and the long drive before my friend, and we turned back.

Rubies are hidden among its foliage, and if you eat of this fruit, you will grow wise in the wisdom of birds. You will know where the oven-bird secretes her nest, and where the wood-cock dances in the air at night; the drumming-log of the ruffed grouse will be easy to find, and you will see the dark lodges of the evergreen thickets inhabited by hundreds of warblers.

For a long time they were silent, listening to the call of an oven-bird far back in the spring trees. At last Strang got up, filled his pipe, and puffed at it savagely before he said, "Of course the whole thing's damned nonsense."