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I never had seen mountains before, an' I cried at first an' begged her to make 'em sit down. A trip is something you never will fergit in all yer life. It was jes like Mrs. Reddin' to think about it; but I don't wonder she feels good to you. Asia says she never expects to see anything like the way you shook that candy outen little Robert.

And so when Pappy come a-totin' milk, an' a-totin' pork, an' a-ploughin' his co'n outen the weeds, w'y, Sammy jest draw down his face an' look black at Pappy, and make like he mad at him like he don't want none o' them things like Pappy jest pesterin' round him fer nothin'. but meanness. Now mind, Aunt Cornely, I ain't say Sammy knows this his own se'f. But I studied Sammy mighty well, an' I know.

"Well, Cynthy, my Imperial Sweetness, when I see Abig'il come down so beautiful, it reminded me of a little fice-t dog I had when I was a leetle codger. I called him Pick. His name was Picayune. Purty good name, wasn't it?" "Yes, it was." "Well, now, that air little Pick wouldn't never own up as he was driv outen the house.

I shorely has a time with him that night. "The next day he can't walk, an' he can't ride in the wagon 'cause of the jolts. It all touches my heart, an' at last I ups an' make a hammock outen a Navajo blanket, which is good an' strong, an' swings the Colonel to the reach of the trail wagon. "It's mostly a good scheme.

"Yes, why didn't I, ma'am; which I wish I had, and would a done if it hadn't a been for that forring nuss a coming outen her room, and a screeching after me: "'Missus Winterblossom! Missus Winterblossom! which I allus told that huzzy as I wasn't a 'missus, but a 'miss, nor likewise a 'blossom, but a 'rose. Howsever, there she was, a yelling at the top of her voice, 'Missus Winterblossom!

"Beside all them bills he showed me a whole pocket full o' jewlry, 'n' he had a string o' things thet I don't know jest what you call 'em; but they looked like they was made outen the inside o' clam shells only they was all round like marbles." Detective Burton raised his eyebrows. "Miss Prim's pearl necklace," he commented to the man at his side. The other nodded. "Don't punish your son, Mrs.

He paused and looked into her eyes intently. "No, what?" she asked. "That you'll make a carpenter outen me yit ef I don't mind." Again a smile broke through the cloud in her eyes: "I don't think there's much danger of that, Tom " "Yes ther is, too," he laughed.

At last Texas lugs out a bottle, aimin' to compose his feelins', which they's some harrowed by now. "`Well, I never! shouts the woman; 'I shorely sees inebriates ere now, but at least they has the decency not to pull a bottle that a- way before a lady. "This stampedes Texas complete, an' he throws the whiskey outen the stage an' don't get no drink.

I'm a-going clear to the city to git old Gid and beat the liver outen him!" exclaimed young Bob, while his sunburned face worked with emotion and his gruff young voice broke as he rose and walked to the door. "I wisht you would, and I'll make Cal help you," sobbed Mrs. Rucker into a corner of her apron.

Can't run so mighty brisk, you know, bein' old an' sorter rheumatic, but she done the best she could. I seed a old feller a runnin' once, an' I says " "But here," Jasper broke in, "ain't she old enough to know better'n to run fitten to kill herse'f?" "Yes, suh, but she had to run on this here occasion. She was a gittin' outen the way." "Outen the way of what?"