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"'Aystack?" she repeated. "There ain't no 'aystack along this road from 'ere to Fetchworth. Bit orf the track, ain't yer?" Cleek retrieved himself at once. "Ain't there? Well, wot if there ain't? The place wot I calls a 'aystack an' wot Lunnoners calls a 'aystack too is the nearest bit of shelter wot comes your way. Manner of speakin', that's all." "Oh!

'I'm jiggered if I can understand it, but there it is. 'You should ast Owen to explain it to yer, remarked Crass with a jeering laugh. ''E knows all about wot's the cause of poverty, but 'e won't tell nobody. 'E's been GOIN' to tell us wot it is for a long time past, but it don't seem to come orf.

He accordingly tuk me to his Scareum. The house is powerful big & in a exceedin large room was his wives & children, which larst was squawkin and hollerin enuff to take the roof rite orf the house. The wimin was of all sizes and ages.

William Green, gave a loud yell and fled full speed up the road. Flower followed in hot pursuit, and owing, perhaps, to the feeling of lightness before mentioned, ran him down nearly a mile farther on, Mr. Green coming in a good second. "Keep orf," panted the seaman, backing into a doorway. "Keep it orf!" "Don't be a fool, Joe," said the skipper. "Keep orf," repeated the trembling seaman.

"The Doctor don't let 'im see you lookin' at 'im, darlin', or 'e might think, which Good Gracious know how wrong it 'ud be, as you was a kind o' Peepin' Pry the Doctor 'ave fell orf an' chynged a good deal lately in 'is looks, I mean!" said Mrs. Keyse, tucking in the corner of the flannel over the little downy head. "Wasted in 'is flesh, like got 'oller round the eyes " "So 'e 'as!"

Oh, no," I expostulated, "Giftie's tail isn't cut. Please don't." "All terriers should 'ave their tiles cut," said Mr. Watlin, firmly. "If the mother dog's tile isn't cut, is that any reason w'y 'er hoffspring should be disfigured in a like manner? Now's the time." "But it'll hurt," pleaded The Seraph. Do you do it wif a knife?" "I bites 'em orf," replied Mr.

Most of them were asleep, but one was tossing about and crying in piteous tones: "Hab'ich noch'n Arm, oder hab'ich keinen?" "'E's bin at it for 'ours, pore bloke. Arst 'im what 'e wants I 'xpect it's somethin' ter do with 'is arm what they took orf early in the evenin'." I asked the man what he wanted and noticed that his right arm had been taken off at the shoulder.

But I never could abide furreigners ever since a Frenchman, as taught me 'is language, made orf with my mother's silver tea-pot, unbeknown to 'er, it bein' set out on the sideboard for company." Mr. Gorby interrupted these domestic reminiscences of Mrs. Sampson's by stating that, now she had given him all necessary information, he would take his departure. "An' I 'opes," said Mrs.

"Oh, well a certain amount Why?" "Why? Because I think he owes you something. And that's a grudge. It isn't my business, but if I were you, Rickets, I'd pay him orf and have done with him." "Oh, that's all right. I'm safe enough." "You? It's just you who isn't. Dicky's not a bad sort, in his way. All the same, he'd sell you up as soon as look at you.

"Is this the man?" said Mr. Hoopdriver, with a business-like calm, and arms more angular than ever. "Eat 'im!" said the little man with the beard; "eat 'im straight orf." "Steady on!" said the young man in the white tie. "Steady on a minute. If I did happen to say " "You did, did you?" said Mr. Hoopdriver. "Backing out of it, Charlie?" said the young man with the gaiters.