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Crabs were broiling upon it, and the pieces of the feke were flung beside them and the smaller octopi. When they were cooked, a trough of popoi and one of feikai, or roasted breadfruit mixed with a cocoanut-milk sauce, were placed on the sand, and all squatted to dine.

Along the roads were Hawaiian huts with octopi drying on the porches, beside the reclining figures of the strong providers of the family, resting up, no doubt, from the task of catching and killing the octopi by hitting the squid's heads. Some of the party waxed eloquent about the wonderful leprosy cures, recently accomplished in the Islands, through the discoveries of the chemist Dr.

There were creatures in the water, too; octopi, such as he had seen caught in nets by the Venetian fishermen and flung on the yellow sands of the Lido. He saw their tentacles flickering in the green curled edges of each wave that threatened to beat him down into the depths. Vincenzo kept them off.

Rock-oil in Eighteen Hundred Fifty-eight was worth twenty dollars a barrel. Lumbermen out of a job turned skimmers, and often collected a barrel a day, becoming as it were members of the cult known as the Predatory Rich. This is what tempted Colonel Drake to bore his well, and see if he might possibly strike the vein that was making the skimmers turn octopi.

When convinced, he launched a detailed recital of the descriptions offered by the workmen from the camp. He pictured the aliens as hoofed like horses, equipped with horns like antelopes, fitted with multiple arms like octopi and huge multi-faceted eyes like insects. He seemed to contemplate this picture with vast satisfaction as the truck growled and rumbled through the night.

He used to be a merry and cheerful fellow, but since they named him 'hippocampus' he hasn't smiled once." "Let's go," said Trot. "I don't like to 'sociate with octopuses." "OctoPI," said the creature, again correcting her. "You're jus' as horrid whether you're puses or pies," she declared. "Horrid!" cried the monster in a shocked tone of voice. "Not only horrid, but horrible!" persisted the girl.

The forty or more varieties of crotons include the curious corkscrew of the West Indies, and range extravagantly in colors and markings. Huge Assam rubber-trees have exposed roots suggesting a tangle of octopi.

"We know how to be civil to our friends," replied Trot, who did not like the way he spoke. "Well, are we not friends, then?" asked the Octopus in an airy tone of voice. "I think not," said the little girl. "Octopuses are horrid creatures." "OctoPI, if you please; octoPI," said the monster with a laugh. "I don't see any pie that pleases me," replied Trot, beginning to get angry.

So they left the poor octopus weeping and wiping his watery eyes with his handkerchief and swam on their way. "I'm not a bit sorry for him," remarked the child, "for his legs remind me of serpents." "So they do me," agreed Cap'n Bill. "But the octopi are not very bad," said the Princess, "and we get along with them much better than we do with their cousins, the sea devils." "Oh.

For a mile or more their road ran through fantastic-looking mangrove trees rooted in the mud, that in the mist resembled, Alan thought, many-legged arboreal octopi feeling for their food, and tall reeds on the tops of which sat crowds of chattering finches.