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He had a strong suspicion that the conduct of this case was going to have the beneficial result of lowering Oakes' self-esteem. If failure achieved this end, Mr. Snyder felt that failure, though it would not help the Agency, would not be an unmixed ill. The door opened and Oakes entered tensely. He did everything tensely, partly from a natural nervous energy, and partly as a pose.

Throwing that half-stick of dynamite might be construed as an attempt at wholesale murder. I did not want the county officials to think too long and harshly about the matter. I explained later to Casey that Barney Oakes had reported his disappearance to the officials in Barstow.

He let the ash of his cigar fall delicately to the floor another action which seemed significant to his employer. As a rule, his assistants, unless particularly pleased with themselves, used the ashtray. "My first act on arriving," Oakes said, "was to have a talk with Mrs. Pickett. A very dull old woman." "Curious. She struck me as rather intelligent." "Not on your life.

With the publisher, in the front office, sat A. Lincoln Wilbram, quite purple in the cheeks. They had a file of the Bee before them. "Diedrick," said Mr. Oakes, "on March eighteenth you printed this thing" his finger on Willie's essay "why did you do it?" "What's the matter with it?" replied D.K.T. "The matter with it," spoke Mr. Wilbram terribly, "is that it slanders my wife.

Oakes Ames left a fund of $50,000, the income to be used for the benefit of the school children of North Easton village. Through the wise thoughtfulness of Oliver Ames many of the privileges arising from this fund have been extended to the other sections of the town; and it hardly need be said that the schools of Easton are among the objects of the fondest pride of its citizens. Mr.

Indeed he has already had the gratification of seeing this verdict reversed, so far as public opinion is concerned; and it only remains for Congress to remove its undeserved vote of censure, for Oakes Ames to take his appropriate and honored place in American history. There is little doubt that Mr. Ames will yet see this ambition of his life realized.

It strikes me, Sir Gervaise Oakes, that the circumstances are so peculiar as to call for prompt proceedings." "I fully agree with you, Sir Reginald," returned the vice-admiral; "but before we proceed any further, I would suggest the propriety of having as many of those present as possible, who have an interest in the result. Mr.

The contract for construction was turned over to the Credit Mobilier Company. This, in turn, engaged subcontractors. The work was really done by these subcontractors with their force of low-paid labor. Oakes Ames and his associates did nothing except to look on executively from a comfortable distance, and pocket the plunder.

"Oakes and Bluewater were reefers together, under old Breasthook, in the Mermaid; and when the first was made a lieutenant into the Squid, the last followed as a mate. Oakes was first of the Briton, in her action with the Spanish frigates, and Bluewater third. For that affair Oakes got a sloop, and his friend went with him as his first.

"My gosh!" he cried. "How did you come to write such a thing?" Mr. Oakes demanded. "Me write that thing? If I only had!" The facts were recalled; the sending of Mr. Sloan and many reporters to Rutland; the need of extra hands at the copy-table that day. "I found this contribution on my desk. It looked safe. In the rush of the morning I sent it up and never gave it another thought."