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The Duchess had been the penniless daughter of an Irish clergyman, married en secondes noces for her somewhat queer and stimulating personality, by an epicurean duke, who, after having provided the family with a sufficient store of dull children by an aristocratic mother, thought himself at liberty, in his declining years, to please himself.

"I told you so, Mamma," had said Ellen, this night of the full moon, as she had pondered before the mirror upon the effect a headache-bandeau in the shape of a royal asp would have upon a certain retired colonel who seemed inclined to find solace for his long widowhood en secondes noces. "She evidently did not see Mr.

I am compensated, however, by the possession of the first volume of the "Noces de Picciola," or "Cari-catures," as they are called. On the title-page Bobtail is made to say: "If Carry were to marry one of us, I'd give thee any odds she would be safe, O Rag, to love the other " "Varium et mutabile semper femina," he adds, and his story illustrates the truth of the poet's words.

You have heard me speak of my cousine de Maisonrouge, that grande belle femme, who, after having married, en secondes noces there had been, to tell the truth, some irregularity about her first union a venerable relic of the old noblesse of Poitou, was left, by the death of her husband, complicated by the indulgence of expensive tastes on an income of 17,000 francs, on the pavement of Paris, with two little demons of daughters to bring up in the path of virtue.

Certainly, as men looked back afterwards, all the seemingly random doings of those restless months ending in the Noces Vermeilles marriage of Henry of Navarre with Margaret of France, lent themselves agreeably to the theory of a great plot to crush out at one blow, in the interest of the reigning Valois, not the Huguenots only but the rival houses of Guise and Bourbon.

Yet a book like 'Les Noces Corinthiennes' ought to be classified among a group of earlier lyrics, inasmuch as it shows to a large degree the influence of Andre Chenier and Alfred de Vigny.

And, according to rumor, the newest of Strawinsky's work, the music-hall ballet for eight clowns, and the work for the orchestra, ballet and chorus entitled "Les Noces villageoises," are by no means as bold in style as "Le Sacre," and resemble "Petruchka" more than the later ballet.

They know him personally quite well. They're always going down to Rome." "And do they mean to introduce you to him?" "How do you mean, to introduce me?" "Why to make you a Catholic, to take you also down to Rome." "Oh we're going to Rome for our voyage de noces!" said Francie gaily. "Just for a peep." "And won't you have to have a Catholic marriage if They won't consent to a Protestant one."

After a moment's pause, she added, "One must have love or refuge, Mary; this is thy refuge, child; thou wilt have peace in it." She sighed again. "Enfin," she said, resuming her gay tone, "what shall be la toilette de noces? Thou shalt have Virginia's pearls, my fair one, and look like a sea-born Venus. Tiens, let me try them in thy hair."

Having bought horses, a caleche, and a coupe, he naturally used them to return the wedding visits and go to those dinners and balls, called the "retours de noces," which the heads of the administration and the rich families of Limoges gave to the newly married pair.