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He was in no hurry; he stopped and looked round at Mary. So all passed into Paradise. That was what Mary saw, and then day dawned. In accordance with the orders, the Nazarene's grave was strictly guarded. A heavy stone had been placed in the opening of the niche in the rocks within which the body was laid, and, at the Governor's bidding, the captain had sealed it at every end and corner.

As he looked up on the knoll again, the words were wafted to him through the awful stillness He bowed reverently as to a person speaking. Up on the summit meantime the work went on. The guard took the Nazarene's clothes from him; so that he stood before the millions naked.

The Nazarene's grave was empty! Everybody made a pilgrimage from the town to see. The people's mood had entirely changed since the crucifixion. Not another contemptuous word was heard, some even secretly beat their breasts. The High Priests met together, and inquired of the guards what had occurred. They could tell nothing. "At least confess that you fell asleep and that His disciples stole Him."

But its warning notes were just then lost on him; for there another maid, speaking to some male acquaintances, pointed him out as one of the Nazarene's friends. "This man also was with Jesus the Nazarene." Probably no harm was meant, but the words alarmed Peter greatly, and he denied, as Matthew says, with an oath, "I know not the man." This was the second denial.