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Well well, there now.... Sure, it's all right, Lenore. You made me break it sudden-like.... Listen. There's all summer to talk. Just now you want to get a few details. Get 'em straight.... Dorn is on the way here. They put his stretcher we've been packin' him on one into a motor-truck. There's a nurse come with me a man nurse. We'd better put Dorn in mother's room. That's the biggest an' airiest.

Nellie was sometimes careless with other people's property, he had learned, though she was so generous with her own it was hard to refuse her anything. "Don't let him get away," he cautioned. Nellie opened her mouth to say "I won't," when with a sudden jerk Brownie tore the leather line from her hand and dashed into the road. "Here comes a big motor-truck!" screamed Sister.

The first time that I saw a tank, the way that the monster was blocking a road gorged with transport had something of the ludicrousness of, say, a pliocene monster weighing fifty tons which had nonchalantly lain down at Piccadilly Circus when the traffic was densest. Only the motor-truck drivers and battalions which were halted some distance away minded the delay.

Sweeping the landscape with my field-glasses, a long column of motor-trucks laden with ammunition came within my field of vision. As I looked there suddenly appeared, squarely in the path of the foremost vehicle, a splotch of yellow smoke shot through with red. When the smoke and dust had cleared away, the motor-truck had disappeared.

The railroads must solve the problem to compete with motor-truck traffic and fast boats on the lakes and rivers of our land. "You have, by your invention, shoved the clock of progress forward. I am proud of you, my boy. I know now that, no matter what may happen to me, you will make an enviable mark in the world of invention. "You have done much before for the Government in time of stress.

A huge red touring car, filled with laughing girls, whizzed past him, and after that a light delivery car that had to swerve sharply to avoid striking him. As Brother reached the dog he thought the motor-truck was going to roll right over him, and he closed his eyes and made a grab for Brownie.

Borax is still mined here, but not so extensively as formerly, more accessible borax deposits having been found in Nevada and elsewhere and the twenty-mule team is now a motor-truck! Nearly one-third of all of the borax of the world comes from the deserts of California and Nevada.

"But to make sure, we'll go to our camp and talk to Willie. You can send a message to your assistant yourself." "That'll settle it," said the forester. He called his fire crew together. "Hustle right back to headquarters," he said. "The motor-truck will hold you all, though you may be a bit crowded. Leave my car where it is. I'm going to look around a bit. I'll follow you as soon as possible.

She shot by the ambulance like a rocket, and at the next corner came face to face with a great motor-truck that was thundering around the corner at a tempestuous speed. From the first glance there was no chance for the racer. It crumpled like a thing of paper and lay in bright splinters on the street, the lady tossed aside and motionless, with her head against the curbing.

What does this mean a lifebuoy?" He was silent for a moment. Then he turned suddenly to the Professor. "What did you call those men in the motor-truck, Professor river pirates? And a lifebuoy! Wait." He crossed the room towards his desk and returned with a list in his hand. He ran his finger down it, stopped and glanced at the date.