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The President mechanically accepted the package handed him, and the mysterious woman left his apartment, re-entered her carriage, and ordered the driver to take the road back toward Philadelphia. The disgruntled Spaniards continued to threaten war. Governor Claiborne ordered Casco Calvo and Intendant Morales to quit the territory of New Orleans.

"The Lord grant we may have no call to shoot to-night, sir, but I misdoubt the whole situation. That fire's beginning to wear itself out already, and any minute I look to hear the hoof-beats of the Morales gang, surrounding us here on every side.

There he published a proclamation announcing that he was ready to go to Nueva Granada with his army, and, after levying exorbitant tributes in money from the citizens and securing in the most outrageous manner all the provisions he could possibly obtain, he sailed from Puerto Cabello for Cartagena with 8,500 men, while Morales with 3,500 advanced by land against the city.

So it might be a politic step, as well as serving our purpose by making a vacancy for Embleton.” “That would be just the thing,” the admiral said. “I am sure I should be delighted,” Captain Crosbie went on, “for Morales is of very little use; and with Mr. Embleton to aid me I should be able to get the crew into something like shape in half the time that it would take me to do it single-handed.”

They were related to the royal treasurer Morales, who had married their sister, and had made interest with the admiral to give them some employment in the expedition. To gratify the treasurer, he had appointed Francisco de Porras captain of one of the caravels, and had obtained for his brother Diego the situation of notary and accountant-general of the squadron.

He gave his name as Morales, and said that he had sometime been a pilot of Seville, but being captured by the Moors off Algeciras, had spent close on twenty years in servitude to them. In the end he and six other Christians had escaped in a boat of their own making, but with few victuals.

Si, si, vat you tink of dat me, Mercedes Morales, de dancer at de Gayety he ask me vould I marry him. Oh, Mother of God!" The young American stared at her upturned animated face, suddenly aroused to womanly interest. "And what did you say?" Mercedes stamped her foot savagely on the hard ground, her eyes glowing like coals of fire. "You ask vat I say? Saints of God! vat could I say?

Such men have difficulty in keeping up communication with their friends. "He claims to have lost track of you twenty-odd years ago. That when you separated you both swore to divide equally the contents of Señor Morales' treasure chest, the hiding place of which at that time was in a hostile country, Geronimo and his braves being on the warpath.

When they recall their former petty domains, and compare them with the present, is it not enough?" Morales smiled. "Thou speakest as a very woman, gentle one, to whom the actual word 'ambition' is unknown. Why, the very cause thou namest urges our sovereigns to the conquest of these Moors. They are the blot upon a kingdom otherwise as fair and great as any other European land.

Later that night she wrote two letters one to Judge Ellsworth, the other to Dave Law. José Sanchez rode to the Morales house feeling some concern over the summons that took him thither. He wondered what could have induced General Longorio to forsake his many important duties in order to make the long trip from Nuevo Pueblo; surely it could be due to no lack of zeal on his, José's, part. No!