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'But I'll miss ye, Davie, Mat Morgan observed, as he and his little friend trudged on side by side to work; 'ye be bright and cheery-like down there, pointing with his pipe towards the pit. 'And maybe ye'll forget the missis and me when ye gets to be a great man, as ye says ye'll be one day, and I makes no doubt but ye will be too.

Guess it don't pay to be honest " Laura gave him a quick look. In a significant tone of voice, she said: "You don't really think that?" The man shook his head dubiously. "No, maybe not. Ever since I married the missis and the first kid come we figured the only good money was the kind folks worked for and earned. But when you can't get hold of that, it's tough."

Sniff, though scarcely less convulsed than she were, got up and held the tumbler to them. "This," proceeds Our Missis, "was my first unconstitutional experience. Well would it have been if it had been my last and worst. But no. As I proceeded farther into that enslaved and ignorant land, its aspect became more hideous.

An' while she was a-pickin' of them out very careful indeed, and I'm always glad when them sort gets a few over-ripe ones there was two other ladies talkin' over the fence. An' one on 'em said to the other on 'em just like this "'I've told both gells to come, and they can doss in with M'ria and Jane, 'cause their boss and his missis is miles away and the kids too.

Why, you must be crazy; that dancing must 'ave got into your 'ead." "Where's the 'arm?" he ses, very sulky. "'Arm?" I ses. "I won't 'ave it, that's all; and if you knew my missis you'd know without any telling." "I'll bet you a pound to a sixpence she wouldn't know me," he ses, very earnest. "She won't 'ave the chance," I ses, "so that's all about it."

Miller Lyddon was about to suggest a night-cap for Billy, but changed his mind. "Enough 's as gude as a feast," he said. "Canst get up-stairs wi'out help?" "Coourse I can! But the chap to the 'Green Man's' that perfuse wi' his liquor at seasons of rejoicing. More went down than was chalked up; I allow that. If you'll light my chamber cannel, I'll thank 'e, missis; an' a Happy New Year to all."

"SHE! She never licks anybody whacks 'em over the head with her thimble and who cares for that, I'd like to know. She talks awful, but talk don't hurt anyways it don't if she don't cry. Jim, I'll give you a marvel. I'll give you a white alley!" Jim began to waver. "White alley, Jim! And it's a bully taw." "My! Dat's a mighty gay marvel, I tell you! But Mars Tom I's powerful 'fraid ole missis "

He knew that nook of his was wanted for cattle stalls on the new principle, and very handy it would be with all that water close at hand, but he had worked for sixty years, and had had nineteen children there, and he would not turn out. Not he. The parson's "missis" and the squire's "missis" came the other day about that youngest boy of his.

Moss growling and jeering every step he took, and I, deadly in earnest. "'It's under here, I said, halting over a flagstone in the corner of the vault. 'But before we do anything you had better hide that hat-pin and these shoes, or your missis will find them. She'll hear us scraping and come to see what's up.

Flesh and blood can't sit to be starved to death on a coach-box, waiting for folks as don't know their own mind." A servant, semi-upper-housemaid, semi-lady's-maid, now came down with orders from her mistress. "Thomas, you must ride to the fishmongers, and say missis can't give above half-a-crown a pound for salmon for Tuesday; she's grumbling because trade's so bad.