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Who hails? what cook is sticking his neighbour's pig now?" "Lor'! Misser Fid," cried the black, "here masser Harry, wid a head out of port-hole, up dereaway in a light-house, singing-out like a marine in a boat wid a plug out!" "Ay, ay, let him alone for hailing a top-gallant yard, or a flying-jib-boom! The lad has a voice like a French horn, when he has a mind to tune it!

"S'pose a wind come out fresh here, at nor-west," answered the other, stretching his brawny arm towards the point of the compass he named, "and a vessel want to get to sea in a hurry, how you t'ink he get her far enough up to lay through the weather reach? Ha! you answer me dat; you great scholar, misser Dick, but you never see ship go in wind's teeth, or hear a monkey talk."

Soon the drunkards strolled over, saying good-day, hazarding a few comments on the weather and like topics, and meeting sufficient answers. "Goin' to stay?" "Don't know." "That's a good horse you've got." "Fair." But Sam was the blithest spirit at the Malheur Agency. "Hiyah!" he exclaimed. "Misser Dlake! How fashion you come quick so?"

"He goin' eastward, sir." Neb was never half as much "nigger" at sea, as when he was on shore, there being something in his manly calling that raised him nearer to the dignity of white men. "But, sir, he was gettin' his people ready to make sail." "How do you know that? No such thing, sir; all hands were asleep, taking their second naps." "Well, you see, Misser Marble; den you know, sir."

The chief of Hámáverán and his legions were the first to shrink from the conflict; and then the King of Misser, ashamed of their cowardice, rapidly advanced towards the champion with the intention of punishing him for his temerity, but he had no sooner received one of Rustem's hard blows on his head, than he turned to flight, and thus hoped to escape the fury of his antagonist.

In his kitchen that evening he and Bolles unpacked the good things the olives, the dried fruits, the cigars brought by the new superintendent for Christmas; and finding Bolles harmless, like his gentle Asiatic self, Sam looked cautiously about and spoke: "You not know why they laugh," said he. "They not talk about my meat then. They mean new boss, Misser Dlake. He velly young boss."

"You know Misser Jim say no smoking!" "Mister Jim isn't here now. You mind your own business and I'll mind mine. Get me some breakfast, will you?" "Fire gone out while you sleep and everything grow cold. You bring some wood and I build another." To Percy's still overstrained nerves Filippo's way of putting the matter suggested a condition on which the meal depended rather than a request.

For that matter, it may be that I have rode you down a little too close myself, boy, when over-heated with the conceit of skin; for all which may the Lord forgive me as freely as I hope you will do the same thing!" The negro made a fruitless effort to rise, endeavouring to grasp the hand of the other, saying, as he did so, "Misser Fid beg a pardon of a black man!

He was aroused from his train of thought by a stranger whom he found standing beside his table and looking down at him with wavering eye. "Misser O'Neil, ain't it?" the fellow inquired. "Sure! Thought I knew you. I'm Bulker, of the old North Pass. Remember me?" Mr. Bulker had been imbibing freely.

From a jovial, good-natured Indian, in the company of the Hibernian, he was transformed into a sullen, vindictive savage in the presence of the gentle wife of Harvey Richter. He supported himself against the door and seemed undecided whether to enter or not. The alarm of Cora Richter was so excessive that she endeavored to conceal it. "What do you wish?" she asked. "Where Misser Richter?"