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I was directed to move from Millersburg, on Hoover's Gap a pass in the range of hills already referred to, through which ran the turnpike from Murfreesboro' to Manchester but heavy rains had made the country roads almost impassable, and the last of my division did not reach Hoover's Gap till the morning of June 27, after its abandonment by the enemy.

As soon as the head of Brannan's column arrived I marched across-country to the left, and encamped that night at the little town of Millersburg, in the vicinity of Liberty Gap.

I was directed to move from Millersburg, on Hoover's Gap a pass in the range of hills already referred to, through which ran the turnpike from Murfreesboro' to Manchester but heavy rains had made the country roads almost impassable, and the last of my division did not reach Hoover's Gap till the morning of June 27, after its abandonment by the enemy.

First thing we knew the Millersburg game, which was always a fierce affair, arrived; and on the morning of the game Bumpus and Van Eiswaggon, our two star halfbacks, got notices to forget there was such a game as football until they had taken Freshman Greek over again they being Seniors and remembering about as much Greek as their hats would hold on a windy day.