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"You’ll take good keer of her, won’t you, Miller?" said he, "and bring her safely back to us?" Mr. Miller gave the promise, and then observing that there was something else on Mr. Middleton’s mind, he said, "What is it, Mr. Middleton? What more do you wish to say?" Mr.

Middleton’s, she would jeeringly ask him concerning "his bride’s health!" But Mrs. Carrington’s levity was brought to an end by an unforeseen circumstance. It was now six weeks since the evening of the denouement, and Julia’s health was so much improved that Dr. Lacey began to speak confidently of the day when Fanny would be his own.

He bade her adieu, praying that nothing might come between them again. Heavily now dragged the days at Mr. Middleton’s, until Uncle Joshua hit upon a plan which would not only give pleasure to Fanny, but would also relieve the tedium of his own life. It was nothing more nor less than the erection of a new house on a grassy lawn, which Fanny had frequently pointed out as being a good location.

The gentlemen signified their assent, and at the usual hour they proceeded to the church, which was situated about two miles from Mr. Middleton’s. We are sorry for it, but truth compels us to say that on this day Uncle Joshua was not quite as devotional as usual. He was looking over the congregation to see what effect his brother’s presence was producing.

Middleton, but I hardly like to send a stranger there. However, Mr. Wilmot, you must not judge all Kentuckians by him, for though he is very hospitable to strangers, he is extremely rough." Mr. Wilmot thanked them for their information and said he thought he would go to Mr. Middleton’s that night. "Lord knows how you’ll get there," said Mr. Edson. "Why, is it far?" asked Wilmot.

Middleton’s good graces; but his discomfiture was soon removed by his saying, "Boy, don’t take what I’ve said in high dudgeon. Folks allus see the roughest side of me first; I’m a friend to you, and allus will be as long as you do well." Then chancing to think his guests were hungry, he called out, "Saints and angels! Why don’t you bring in supper, you lazy bones thar in the kitchen? Do you hear?"

She, however, knew tolerably well to whom she was indebted for the slight; and when, after Mr. Middleton’s departure, Julia said to her, "I wonder uncle did not invite you, too; I thought he was going to do so," she replied, rather sharply, "I fancy I should have been under no obligations to you, Miss Julia, if I had received an invitation."

Joshua Middleton?" "Yes, sir," returned the stranger, eyeing Dr. Lacey closely; "Joshua is my brother, but for more than twenty years I have not seen him, or scarcely heard from him." "Ah," answered Dr. Lacey, in some astonishment, and then, as he fancied there was something in Mr. Middleton’s former life which he wished to conceal, he changed the subject by asking Mr.

Middleton’s language and manners, exclaimed, "I’ll tell you what, old boy, Bob’s left a sweetheart in New York, and I fancy she lectured him on intemperance, for you know the women are dead set against it." Mr. Middleton looked first at Raymond, then at Stanton and said, "Well, he knows good sense by not touchin’ on’t, I reckon. Got a sweetheart, hey?

Up to this day we don’t know exactly whose face it was that led Florence to the drawer so many times a day, but we are safe in saying that it looked frank enough to be Frank himself! Here for a time we leave her, and return to Mr. Middleton’s where Fanny was improving each day. Dr.