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Indeed, the flooding grace, the streaming splendours of the holy Manifestations appear after Their ascension from this world. The exaltation of the Word, the revelation of the power of God, the conversion of God-fearing souls, the bestowal of everlasting lifeit was following the Messiah’s martyrdom that all these were increased and intensified.

But then Christ Himself spoke, and He told them: ‘Look at that dog’s teeth! How gleaming white!’ The Messiah’s sin-covering gaze did not for a moment dwell upon the repulsiveness of that carrion. The one element of that dead dog’s carcass which was not abomination was the teeth: and Jesus looked upon their brightness.

And that Universal Reality is Man, the divine Being, the Essence that abideth forever. ‘Say, Call upon God, or call upon the All-Merciful; whichsoever ye call upon, most beauteous are His Names.’ This is the meaning of the Messiah’s words, that the Father is in the Son.

In front of him was a drunken rabble, wrangling Pharisees, and one man dominating the din with an announcement of the Messiah’s approach. The murmur of lutes threaded through it all; and now, as his thoughts deviated, he wondered could that announcement have been the truth. “But others,” Pahul continued, “objected loudly. For a little I could not catch a word.

The Jews said Christ was not the Messiah but Antichrist, because one of the signs of the Messiah’s coming was the dancing of Mount Zion, which had not yet come to pass. In reality, when Christ appeared, not only Mount Zion but all Palestine danced and rejoiced. Again in scriptures it is said, “The trees of the field shall clap their hands.” This is symbolical.

The real purport of these prophetic statements was that various peoples, symbolized by the wolf and lamb, between whom love and fellowship were impossible would come together during the Messiah’s reign, drink from the same fountain of life in His teachings and become His devoted followers.