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Voles was brought from Boston. Though Meiklejohn dreaded the man, conditions might arise which would call for a bold and ruthless rascality not quite practicable for a Senator. The lapse of time, too, had lulled the politician's suspicions of the police. They seemed to have ceased prying. He ascertained, almost by chance, that Clancy was hot on the trail of a gang of counterfeiters.

Maybe 'murderer' is too strong a word for him where Marchbanks was concerned; but I do say that any clever lawyer could send you and him to the penitentiary for robbing a dead woman and her daughter, the girl whom you and he have kidnapped within the last week." Here was a broadside with a vengeance. Meiklejohn could not have endured a keener agony were he facing a judge and jury.

Carshaw was a substantial lady of fifty, a society woman of the type to whom the changing seasons supply the whole duty of man and woman, and the world outside the orbit of the Four Hundred is a rumor of no importance. She had met Senator Meiklejohn in so many places for so many years that they might be called comrades in the task of dining and making New York look elegant.

Michigan was also represented in the war cabinet by its leader, William R. Day, '70, Secretary of State, while the Assistant Secretary of War, a most important post in those exciting months, was George DeRue Meiklejohn, '80l.

"No matter how ill he may be, he must see me," retorted Clancy. "But he musn't be disturbed. I have my orders." "Take a fresh set. He's going to be disturbed right now, by you or me. Choose quick!" The law prevailed. A few minutes later Senator Meiklejohn entered the library sitting-room, where the little detective awaited him.

"He says it's his last request. He has some scheme " "Ah, his schemes! If only I could hope that this will be the end!" "That is his promise." The woman dropped the conversation abruptly. She darted through the line of cars and made off in the direction of Sixth Avenue. Senator Meiklejohn gazed after her dubiously, but her tall figure was soon lost in the traffic.

Amongst the losses of this day were Dorsetshire. Nine men killed; Captain Arnold, Lieutenant Hewitt, and thirty-nine men wounded. Gordon Highlanders. Lieutenant Lamont and two men killed; Colonel Mathias, Major Macbean, Captain Uniacke, Lieutenants Dingwall, Meiklejohn, Craufurd, and thirty-five men wounded. Derbyshire. Captain Smith and three men killed, eight wounded.

If you can persuade the police that the whole thing was a hoax " For the first time Tower looked non-plussed. He was enjoying the notoriety thrust on him so unexpectedly. "Well, I can hardly do that," he said. "But if I can get them to drop further inquiries I'll do it, Meiklejohn, for your sake. Gee! Come to look at you, you must have had a bad time.... Well, good-by, old top! See you later.

Of these two, the first has to do with the college curriculum, but I need to devote little time to this for the principle has already been developed and applied in a singularly stimulating and lucid book called "The Liberal College," by President Meiklejohn of Amherst, to which I beg to refer you.

It was on the tip of the detective's tongue to ask if Mr. Meiklejohn had gone into the clubhouse when he saw, as he imagined, the Senator's tall form silhouetted against the vague carpet of the river; so he passed on, and this minor incident contributed its quota to a tragic occurrence.