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"Monsieur," said Jehan that night, "pardon, but do you ever . . . do you ever think of Margot Bourdaloue?" The marquis raised himself as though to hurl a curse at his luckless servant. But all he said was; "Sometimes, Jehan, sometimes!" "Tell Monsieur le Comte for me that I am sleeping and may not be disturbed!"

Monsieur has paid me like a king, shook hands with Margot and me, and gone forever." There was a dead pause. Rose clutched her bridle-rein, and felt the earth spinning under her, her face growing-white and cold. "Did he leave no message no message for me?" She could barely utter the words, the shock, the consternation were so great. Something like a laugh shone in old Jacques' eyes.

"Margot gave a weary little sigh and leaned closer to me, giving herself into my care as trustfully as a child. Until that time she had been just a figure in the great war game that might provide me with something to 'write up' into a book. That had been my principal thought.

They were too much engrossed to hear the approaching footsteps, but the sound of the chair crunching over the gravel at last aroused their attention, when Victor turned round, and leapt to his feet, white and breathless. It was not a successful tea-party; for the fact of Victor's previous acquaintance with Lady Margot, so far from acting as a bond of union, seemed to cast a constraint over all.

It had been toward them he had made such speed, but a brother officer appearing near them he turned his attention upon Margot and her escort. "Oh! I thought there was something wrong. Is it always such a racketty place? This New York?" "Always. Why, 'tis quiet here to-day, compared to some." "Are you an officer of the law? Is it your business to take care of strangers?" "Why, yes. I suppose so."

At this, Frau von Mach nudged me; I thought she wanted to be introduced, so I looked at his name and said seriously: "Graf von , this is my friend Frau von Mach." He instantly stood up, bent his head and, clicking his heels, said to her: "Will you please introduce me to this young lady?" Miss Margot Tennant."

"Good Mademoiselle!" he said. She took the scarf off gently, soaked it in oil and splashed it with flour, and laid it quickly back on the burnt flesh. Margot came staggering into the room. "I cannot rouse him. I cannot rouse him. He is dead! He is dead!" she whimpered. "He " Charley swayed forward towards the woman, recovered himself, and said: "Now not a word of what he did to me, remember.

"Thank you, sir," said Ron simply, while Margot, as usual, hastened to amplify his words. "I hope we shall be friends. I hope we shall all be friends. I was dreadfully tired really, but I felt worse staying in the house, and in that little parlour after dinner I nearly fell asleep." Mr Elgood's eyes lit up with a flash of humour. "But when a man's out of health you canna judge him!

If at first his association with Margot reminded Rainham of another little girl whom he had loved, and whose place she could never even approximately fill, the memory was not a bitter one, and he was soon able to listen to her childish questioning without more than a gentle pang.

The author in Les Deux Dianes makes a mistake with regard to dates. The marriage of the Dauphin, Francis, took place on the 15th of October, 1548, and not on the 20th of May, 1549. It is not very probable that the Duke of Anjou was crowned at night in a church, an episode which adorns La Dame de Montsoreau. La Reine Margot especially swarms with errors. The Duke of Nevers was not absent.