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"Houbigant's Forest Violets," he murmured. "She is at least semi-civilized!" He was dreaming of the far off lotos land which he had left, as he felt the rebellious protest of his young blood and the defiant spirit awaked by the mechanical luxury of the well-ordered dinner. "These human pawns seem to be all prosperous, if not happy! I'll have another shy at it! By God! I must get back to India!"

"Buksheesh do, Sahib! buksheesh do! O favorite slave of the Lord! O tender shepherd of the poor! O sublime and beautiful Being, upon whose turban Prosperity dances and Peace makes her bed! Whose mother is twin-sister to the Sacred Cow, and whose grandmother is the Lotos of Seven Virtues! O Khodabund! buksheesh do!

A river, called Lotos, winds its course through rich meadows and fields of mulberry trees, where giant nut trees with dark foliage and light green planes, white minarets and dark cypress trees rise to the sky. Vines climb up the mighty trunks and attach themselves to the branches, whence they droop again to earth, while Caprifolium plants and thriving creepers superimpose themselves on the vines.

Oxalis and heliotrope peeped at her over the top of the lotos vases; one of a pair of gauntlets had fallen on the carpet near the cameo cabinet; two or three newspapers and a meerschaum lay upon a chair; several theological works were scattered on the sofa, and the air was heavy with lingering cigar-smoke.

At the shrine of the Senju Kwannon she knelt as was her custom, and that Great Lady, sitting enthroned upon the Lotos of Purity, opened Her eyes slowly from Her divine contemplation and heard the prayer of the wood-cutter's wife.

At their feet lay a fragment of the deadly-poisonous Egyptian river-plant which Marston Brent had ignorantly plucked for a lotos. Roars there ever a beast in his forest den, Hear we thunder in heaven, a horn among men, On the hill sings a maiden now and then, Sound what may, Answer through space thou mak'st again With small delay.

Let us for a while forget the tedious realisms around us, and eat of the dreamy Lotos. Let us look eastward over the wide waters, and behold, along the horizon, the "dim rich cities" printing themselves against the morning. Let us listen to their mellow chimes that come faintly to us, and bless those deep-toned utterances so full of the tenderness of ancient days and the melody of gray traditions.

Peter was then nursing a wrist that had been wrenched in the confusion, looking away from it only to give the loudly singing Alix an occasional resentful glance. "You could omit some of those cries!" he presently observed. "I thought you liked 'The Lotos Flower'?" Alix called back. "I just proved that I do," Peter said neatly, and the doctor, and Alix herself, laughed joyously.

The Judgment of Thackeray The Union The Prolific Diedrich Knickerbocker Omens of 1836 The Century Its Descent from the Sketch and the Column Old-Time Austerity Leaders of the Talk The Lotos The Union League The Manhattan The First of the College Clubs The Columbia Yacht The New York Athletic Rise and Fall of the Traveller's The Arcadian.

Among the many letters of regret at the dinner, the following, from the Secretary of State and from his predecessor, were given to the public: WASHINGTON, D.C., February 9, 1899. To John Elderkin, Lotos Club, New York: I received your note in due time, and had hoped until now to be able to come and join you in doing honor to my life-long friend, the Hon.