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"Yes, indeed!" and the old gentleman looked thoughtfully across the lawn as he wound up his tale of the unfortunate Groggins, "Yes, indeed If I keeps on talkin' away, I'll become a laughin'-stock, same as that locoed Vance! Thar's one matter that allers imbues me with a heap of respect for deef an' dumb folks; which they shorely do keep things to themse'fs a whole lot."

"He acts like a locoed horse; but there isn't a bit of the poison weed growing within twenty miles of here. And why was Peg Grant standing on the stoop of the tavern grinning as I rode past? Can he have had a hand in this sudden crazy spell of the black? Spanish Joe knows all the tricks of putting a thorn under a saddle, that will stab the horse when the rider mounts. Is that the trouble now?

"I was beginning to feel a little creepy, for I'd seen mad dogs and skunks, and they say a cat gets locoed likewise, and the cuss was talking so cleverly that I began to lose my regard for him. After a little while I concluded to pet him, for he didn't seem a bit afraid; but as I put out my hand to catch him, he nimbly hopped into the roaring fire and vanished. Then I did feel foolish.

"Why does he go after me?" Haney asked, irritably. "I'm out of it. 'Tis like the fool tenderfoot. Don't he know I had nothing to do with his bust-up?" "He don't seem to or else he's so locoed he's forgot it. All I know is he's full of some pizen notion against you, and I thought I'd put you on your guard." They talked on about this a few minutes, and then Slater rose, leaving Haney to himself.

"Well," said Alfred, "they ain't hostile." "These yere savages is plenty hostile," contradicted the stranger, "and don't you make no mistake thar. I jest nat'rally lifts that pinto offen them yisterday," and he jerked his thumb toward the black-and-white pony in the rear. "And you camps!" cried Alfred, in pure astonishment. "You must be plumb locoed!"

And then those delicious sugar cookies that Mrs. Spiker had just baked! How could he make his ignorant brother chuckies appreciate those cookies! Poor little Johnny is a marked woodchuck. He has seen the world. When Nimrod went hunting skunks, the group at the office gave us up. "Locoed, plumb locoed," was the verdict. Have you ever been on a skunk hunt? But perhaps you have no prejudices. I had.

An' cattle or mules or ponies or anythin' else, that makes a repast of locoweed which as a roole they don't, bein' posted instinctif that loco that a-way is no bueno goes crazy; what we-all in the Southwest calls 'locoed. "Whatever does this yere plant resemble? I ain't no sharp on loco, but the brand I encounters is green, bunchy, stiff, an' stands taller than the grass about it.

Whatever the cause may be, clearly he is 'locoed'. All his theories have worked out to the conclusion that the world is a gigantic mistake, love is nothing but animality, marriage is immorality; according to astronomical calculations this teeming globe and all its life must end some time; and why not now?

"You’ve heard about Chugg’s goin’ on since ’Mountain Pink’ jilted him?" inquired Mrs. Dax of the fat lady, as the only one of the party who might have kept abreast with the social chronicles of the neighborhood. "My land, yes," responded the fat lady, proud to be regarded as socially cognizant. "M’ son says he’s plumb locoed about itdidn’t want me to travel by his stage.

"`Hands up, thar! says Jack Moore, reachin' for his six-shooter. 'Hands up! I'll jest fool you up about comin' in on your hoss. You work in one wink too many now, an' I puts a hole in your face right over the eye. "'Go slow, Jack, says Enright. 'Who may you-all be? he goes on to the locoed man on the hoss. "'Me? says the locoed man. 'I'm Red Dog Bill.