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They are increasing steadily, and there have been some very heavy incidental payments lately." "What do you mean by incidental payments?" "Well, there was the pair of cobs you bought last month " She returned to a resigned contemplation of the letter-opener. "With only one motor, one must have more horses, of course." "The stables seemed to me fairly full before.

Isidore Bamberger's own doctor had satisfied himself of this, and had signed his statement under oath, and Bamberger had instantly thought of a certain thin steel letter-opener which Van Torp always had in his pocket. Next came the affidavit of Paul Griggs. The witness knew the Opera House well. Had been in the stalls on the night in question.

Then on the part of the envelope to which the flap adheres when it is sealed I placed some iron sulphate. When I sealed the envelope so carefully I brought the two together separated only by the thin film of gum. Now when steam is applied to soften the gum, the usual method of the letter-opener, the tannin and the sulphate are brought together. They run and leave these blots or dark smudges.

You can imagine how horrible that was for her; it was days before she was over the shock. So she'll be just as glad as anybody to see the last of the pistol-collection." Through the recital, Rand had sat silently, toying with the ivory-handled Italian Fascist dagger-of-honor that was doing duty as a letter-opener on his desk.

She listened without comment, her eyes fixed on a little jewelled letter-opener which she had picked up from the writing-table, and which she continued to turn in her fingers while he spoke.

"From Gladys," she cried and tore it open. "Oh, dear!" she exclaimed, "I didn't think! Miss Hart told me never to open a letter with my finger, but to wait till I could get a letter-opener. Well, it's too late now, I'll remember next time." She looked ruefully at the untidy edges of the envelope, but pulled the letter out and began to read it.